
Talking celebrities

Growing up I knew who Bozo and Mrs Beasley were but I can honestly remember having no clue what a Flip Wilson was when I saw one of his gender bending  dolls on clearance.  I had to ask my Mom, who smiled and said “Oh he was funny!” which really didn’t answer the question….

Little Big Man On Motorway Patrol

My pal Dom from Vintage Toyz and Collectibles sent in this new addition to our Palitoy Little Big Man gallery and it’s quite a big deal. This is due to the fact that before now, most LBM collectors thought it didn’t exist. It’s not everyday a toy never thought to be produced surfaces, it’s even crazier […]

Dull gifts for children

OK, I’m sure that  there are some in the PS audience who a) Had these as a kid and were thrilled to have them or b) Collect them now but honestly, I’m going to go on a limb and say the  average eight year old would probably rather have oh, a Stretch Monster than a pile […]

Take Rocky down a peg

Despite the phenom that a Rocky movie was back in the day, it didn’t seem to equate to much in the merchandise arena. We got some action figures (produced at one point by Phoenix/PAC) and stuff like this, which makes all the sense in the world.

Toys that fight back

Leave it to the Japanese to improve upon a standard north American toy, the bop bag. Unlike our defenseless versions which teach children nothing, Japanese children threw punches with the knowledge that Ultra-Man might give them five across the eyes for doing so. Well done land of the rising sun!