
ERTL Star Trek 3 Klingon Prototype Found!

I’ve talked about the ERTL Star Trek 3 figures before and I especially love this press photo of the handmade mockups. While the Kirk, Spock and Scottie are obviously repainted Mego The Motion Picture figures, I always wondered what the Klingon figure was.  Well, today I got that answer, more after the jump: Recently I […]

Star Trek Pajama promotion

The idea of promoting “Star Trek The Motion Picture” with pajamas is kind of loaded, the film almost put me to sleep as a kid and the crew looked like they were all in their pajamas, so it’s a bit of a comedy goldmine. Thanks to my friend Corey, we get an amazing glimpse at […]

Pod Stallions 63: Convention Stories

The last PodStallions we did was so much fun, we rushed back to do another, look at us being proactive! This week’s show is all about conventions and toy shows. We explore our humble first conventions (which were mind blowing to us then) and eventually get all the way to modern tales of San Diego […]

The First Star Trek Action Figure

Something that didn’t get mentioned in the recent “The Toys That Made us” was the first Star Trek action figure wasn’t of Kirk or Spock it was of Janice Rand? This Japanese toy line is something I’ve seen in small black and white catalogs since I was a teenager but at the recent MegoMeet celebration […]

More Star Trek Shirts by Donmoor

If you read this blog regularly, you know i have a fairly healthy obsession with the children’s Star Trek line of clothing made in the 1970s by a company called “Donmoor”. This past weekend at MegoMeet, I ran into my friend and fellow Donmoor enthusiast Corey who had some new ones like the Kirk above that […]

Another Vintage Star Trek Towel

A continuation from my “Star Trek Towel Day” post a couple of years back, here is another from Corey’s collection, a stunning illustration of Kirk and Spock here. Apparently, there is more to be discovered as well, can’t wait.

The Great Sci-Fi Toy Slump of 1979

It’s really hard to believe but in 1979, Star Wars and other Sci-Fi related toys hit a major slump. So much so that many retailers considered it all a “fad” and stopped ordering new items. This article taken from a “Toys, Hobbies and Crafts” magazine interviews major buyers and the vice president of Mego about the […]

The 1978 AHI Toy Catalog

The undisputed king of the “Rack Toy” in the 1970s was Azrak-Hamway International or “AHI” for short. They were riding high with past hits like Batman, Spider-Man, Star Trek, Space 1999 but 1978 saw them add James Bond 007, Farrah Fawcette, Donnie and Marie, the Walt Disney characters and their answer to Star Wars, Star […]