
Vintage Toy Store Photos Volume 16

In an effort to combat the end of summer blues, I’ve dig deep to the days of Pegboard and regional toy stores to bring the 16th edition of our vintage toy stores feature. Installment 16 features old favorites such as the Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man, Barbie, the Osmonds, Atari, Fisher Price, Mego […]

Super Size Bionic Woman

In 1977, the British Distributor of Kenner toys Denys Fisher, produced an 18″ tall version of Jaime Sommers and marketed more like a fashion doll. Pity they didn’t do a Steve as well. These little foreign variants are what drew me into toy collecting in the first place, I loved discovering what’s out there and […]

Bionic Spring ’77 Extra

In the Spring of 1977 Kenner issued this supplemental catalog to retailers to showcase the innovations in their (then) biggest hit toy lines, the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman. Bionic fever would wane the following year but this was truly a golden time from Bionic fans. Check out the Kenner Bionic Spring […]

Bionic Displays

  I’m really digging these store display shots I found in a Kenner promo piece for the Bionic Man. I honestly remember the outfit display as a kid, which had no effect. I had a million Big Jim and GI joe outfits as a kid but had no desire to change Steve Austin’s clothes. Fashions […]

Vintage Toy Store Photos Volume 15

  Seeing as it’s the site’s birthday, it’s no better time to drop a new installment in what is one of my favorites, vintage toy store photos. A journey back to the days of oddly named department stores and independent mall toy stores and chains that are fondly remembered but sadly mostly gone.  Vintage Toy […]

Sonic Woman

I am pleased to reveal the latest update to our Tomland galleries, the copyright infringing superheroine herself, the Sonic Woman! Tomland was more well known for their Star Raiders and Famous of Monsters of Legend action figures, which both demonstrate how little they thought of paying for licenses. I’ve known about these particular figures for […]

Spotlight: Zica Six Million Dollar Man

Welcome to a new feature on PlaidStallions, the spotlight, which will revolve around items such as toys, books and DVDs available today that give that retro vibe to me. I’m hesitant to call them reviews, mostly because I personally don’t think action figure criticism is something I want to do. If I like something, I’ll […]

Pod Stallions 12: Wish Book Kids

It’s December and we wouldn’t even have this site if it weren’t for the 70s Wish Book catalogs that magically landed on our door steps every fall. Episode 11 is dedicated to our crazy 70s Christmas memories, the letters to Santa, the arms length wantlist and how Star Wars just turned the whole thing into […]

Bionic Monday!

Christmas will forever remind me of the Bionic Man, mostly because he or his friends were a staple from 1975 to 1978. I didn’t get everything on this page but I had Steve, Oscar and Maskatron and I played with those three for years. I would feel remiss if I didn’t extend the Bionic Monday […]

Bionic Bikes

I was thumbing through the Kenner catalogs a while back (I know how to spend a Saturday night) and I came across these, very odd tie ins that I hadn’t included when I built the Bionic galleries. It’s Steve Austin for the preschool set, a bike (cause a Bionic man needs one) that makes the […]