

Thanks to the wonderful folks at the Johnny Gage Shrine O’ Worship (a page devoted to Randy Mantooth, whose name inspired Brick) we have some new Rack Toys or as Peter Griffen called them on last week’s Family Guy, “Terrible Pharmacy Toys”. These Emergency inspired items were created by larami, one of the true kings […]

New Rack Toys From Azrak Hamway

Some nice new additions to our Gallery of Rack Toys today, the concentration being on Azarak Hamway or AHI (which I find surprising how many folks call it “Ahheee”). Above is an amazing dual branded package for Star Trek/Space:1999 Jet Disks. You wouldn’t see stuff like this today. This is courtesy of Will Frost. Also […]

Thwip! Chemtoy Spider-Man Webmaker

This is a cool rack toy I picked up recently that brings back lots of happy memories. My Dad brought this back with him from the 1978 Toy Fair and I immediately cracked it open and made a huge mess on my desk. It maybe lasted a day tops but what a cool item with […]

Logical Putty

It’s hugh time we looked at Rack Toys again and what better a subject than Star Trek: The Motion Picture? I’m not sure what the connection was to the film. It’s pretty funny to imagine the crew of the Enterprise playing with this Silly Putty knock off, imagine if during the kolinahr ceremony spock just […]

Imperial Millionaires

Toyfair 1974: You wouldn’t think there was lots of money in rubber apes and alligators but I can’t think of a kid who didn’t have them….More Fun: Imperial Toys Gallery

Silly Dilly Sky Diving PoopaTroopers!

Thanks to a generous scan from Chris Montgomery, we have a new addition to the Plaid Stallions Rack Toys Gallery, these poopatroopers were a dimestore staple for years. I myself have called parachute men “poopatroopers” for years so it had an impact on me, thanks Chris!Check out Chris’s awesome Poopatroopers page

More Rack Toys at

Two killer updates to the rack toys section at, the first being this very rare Filmation Space Sentinels Magnetic Figure. This is one of the only pieces of merchandise I have ever seen for this series. I remember reading about this Ghost Rider set in a heroes world comic back in the day, I […]

A Tribute to Rack Toys

A new and hopefully growing featuring to Plaidstallions will be the world of rack toys, which features the memorable lower priced toys from companies such as AHI, Fleetwood and Empire. If you’ve got something I don’t have please drop me a line, I’d love to add it. Click the pics to visit.uh, why does Superman […]

Retro Senses tingling!

I rarely discuss new toys but this one really caught my eye. It seems a company has released Spiderman and Wolverine Parachute figures that harken back to the days of AHI (more on them very soon), this sucker works pretty well on the front lawn, although I need to work on my throwing technique. Apparently […]

Squirt me!

This funky 1977 Water Pistol Catalog from Barton really surprised me, I couldn’t believe how many of these I had. The Green Avenger was not only something I had but I later realised my Dad sold them!“Purple Pocket Pumper” is the greatest and creepiest toy name ever. Is that Alex from Clockwork Orange on the […]