
Cool Collections: John’s Monsters

I LOVE it when folks share their collections with me, especially when it’s stuff near and dear to my heart like Monster toys. John was kind enough to give us a peak into his lair today and it’s a drool worthy assortment of old and new, more after the jump. If you dare! A lot […]

Rip Cord, Ripped Pants

While I can’t recall exactly or not, I’m sure at least once in his many seasons  on CBS the incredible Hulk went for a sky dive. I’m also 100% sure that the people of AHI didn’t know or care when producing this parachuting Hulk figure and good on them.

The Shadow Merchandise Gallery

As a collector, one of the bigger mysteries I’ve enjoyed is the interesting amount of merchandise that appeared in the 1970s devoted to the character “The Shadow” whose heyday seemed to be at least 30 years prior to my birth. Click here to visit the Shadow 1970s merchandise gallery More  Groovy Superhero Toys from the […]

We’ve got wounded!

Eventhough it’s pictured in the 1977 AHI Catalog, I somewhat doubted this M*A*S*H emergency helicopter got made. Not because it isn’t totally logical (makes a HELL of a lot more sense than this) but because toys based on M*A*S*H never seem to be all that in demand. So, I nearly did a spit take when these […]

The Shadow Knows?

I love a toy mystery but these rack toys based on pulp character The Shadow were driving me crazy, first, they looked almost exactly like Secondly, why The Shadow? It wasn’t like the character had a big presence in the mid seventies, even his DC title had been cancelled by this point. Fortunately, I met a kindly soul who […]

Jigglers of the Apes

Mixing my fondness for Jigglers with my Ape Mania is a dangerous cocktail. These Jigglers made by Ben Cooper (surprisingly not AHI) are a happy childhood memory for me and I was excited when my pal Mike J sent me a shot of one in a baggie, something I had not seen before. More on […]

Planet of the Incredibly Silly Merchandise

This wonderful piece made by Larami is a prime example of licensing run amuck, other than the clever title it has no connection whatsoever to the Planet of the Apes franchise. In fact, once you take it out of the box, it’s just two flimsy boomarangs. And then there’s this, the pellet shooting walkie talkie, […]

Apes Week: Action Apemen

What better way to kick off Apes week than talking about one of the more interesting toy legal battles of 1974? The AHI Action Apemen (that’s the trading card I made for them above) are interesting tale of a knock off that went too far. More after the jump: You see, according to interviews with […]

To the Web Copter?

Here we have one of the last uses of the AHI Helicopter molds (which had been used for Planet of the Apes, Batman, SWAT even the Hulk!) in the mid 1980s AHI/Remco snapped up the rights to the Archie Red Circle comics heroes such as “The Web” here, the result were some pretty middling, kinda chubby, […]

Sclemeel, Schlemazel, what the &%*$ is this?

A real good example of the “What the?” nature of rack toys, this set depicts Laverne and Shirely, two brewery workers as secretarys but also has some scale issues. Is this for dolls? Then why the gigantic calculator and pencil? if it’s a role play item what’s with the tiny, useless book case,  I’m getting a […]