
Astro Nuts

No, it’s not the title of Don Knott/Tim Conway vehicle, although it should have been.  I Spied these awesome little guys at a toy show. I wish I had a ten thousand square foot toy room….

Simon? This is Simon….over…

Oh yeah, who didn’t want to be Rick and AJ? I think one of these clipped to my belt could improve my coolness factor to this day. Although I do admit, so would an onion, a rock or one of those pine trees they sell at the gas station.

Holy Bike Safety Batman!

Apologies for the hack title, stuff like this always sucks me in. I don’t collect bike reflectors but it’s vintage, has an iconic image and usually can be found at Toy shows for $5 to $10. Before you can say “Why did I buy this?” it’s already in my car.

Another Super 7 score

Readers of this fine blog and my long suffering friends may know of my life long obsession with Filmation’s “Tarzan and the Super 7” TV series and my quest to find any merchandise surrounding it. I’m elated to post my latest haul, the tool set a completely nonsensical item from Imperial Toy that features team […]

The hungry mouse in the cheese house

This is just one of those weird generic things that the Imperial Toy Corporation was good at in the 1970s. Rubber mice and a fake bit o’cheese, not sure what the  point is but I bet kids wanted it. Not so much with collectors, I nabbed two of these for $0.99 just in time to […]

Little Lulu stocks up

When your best friend’s name is “Tubby” you’d better make with the groceries! Thanks to the Simpsons, Little Lulu will always remind me of Alan Moore.  Rack Toys is available right now!

Spider-Man busts a cap

Whalloping websnappers, ol’ Doc Ock is in for rough time tonight. It’s amazing to think that artwork of Spider-Man brandishing a fire arm was approved by somebody at Marvel. I wonder what wouldn’t pass? Spidey leaving a liquor store with a rosie in a skirt? No problem! The Spider-Man smoking kit? Why not?

What me plugging?

I’m very proud to announce that the latest issue of Mad Magazine features a l’il blurb about my book Rack Toys. I was a pretty loyal Mad reader as a kid (only straying to Cracked for those Monster issues) and I’m pretty sure at one point my parents told me I was rotting my brain […]

The Ghost who walks (in pharmacy toy aisles)

The Phantom got a lot of cool Rack Toy love in the 70s, which is pretty cool considering he didn’t have a cartoon show to back him up.  I like all of the toys but this set, this one is something I’m actively searching for. Seriously, if you have one of these for sale, I’ve […]