
Pod Stallions 99: More Planet of the Apes

Pod Stallions 99: More Planet of the Apes Never say we don’t finish things, here is the second part to an episode we started in 2015 (we were just kids them) where J and B discuss the many Planet of the Apes sequels, the tv series, the cartoon, the Tim Burton movie and the Matt […]

PodStallions 99: More Planet of the Apes

Pod Stallions 99: More Planet of the Apes Never say we don’t finish things, here is the second part to an episode we started in 2015 (we were just kids them) where J and B discuss the many Planet of the Apes sequels, the tv series, the cartoon, the Tim Burton movie and the Matt […]

Pod Stallions 98: The 2021 Retro Awards

New to the channel? Subscribe! ► We’re living in such strange times that it truly feels like yesterday that we were going over our ‘Best Of 2020’ list, commenting on how quickly we got there. Well, we blinked a few times and 2021 is done and gone, so here we are again with our picks […]

Pod Stallions 98: The 2021 Retro Awards

New to the channel? Subscribe! ► We’re living in such strange times that it truly feels like yesterday that we were going over our ‘Best Of 2020’ list, commenting on how quickly we got there. Well, we blinked a few times and 2021 is done and gone, so here we are again with our picks […]

Pod Stallions 97: Bill Murray

Pod Stallions 97: Bill Murray There are some things we here at PS HQ feel have been constants throughout our lives, and we’ve decided to celebrate a Hall of Famer for our first December ep: Bill Murray. From Nick the Lounge Singer to Carl Spackler, from Winger to Venkman, Frank Cross and everything in between. […]

Pod Stallions 96: Mummy Movies

As we approach all Hallow’s Eve, Jason and Brain talk about the bandaged terror that is the Mummy! From Imhotep to Kharis and sort of back to Imhotep again. We try to cover every Mummy movie we can over the course of the last 70 years. Pull up a sarcophagus and join us won’t you?

Pod Stallions 95: October Binge Watch

Pod Stallions 95: October Binge-Watching “Greetings Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)! It’s the Witching Hour, well, Month really, and as always we here at Pod Stallions Headquarters are delivering TWO helpings of genre musings to honor the greatest holiday ever: Halloween! First up is the next chapter of What We’ve Been Watching-Spooky Edition. Grab a […]

Pod Stallions 93: More Binge Watching

Pod Stallions 93: More Binge-Watching     Is it Lockdown again? Well, not quite, but let’s just say we at Pod Stallions HQ have that ‘lockdown feeling’ year round. So we thought it time for the world to know what we’ve been peeping of late, from low brow, to high brow to every brow in […]

Pod Stallions 91: Sci-Fi Weapons

Yes, it’s the never asked for, long-awaited Pod Stallions episode all about SCI-FI WEAPONRY! From Buck & Flash to Scarlet & Koenig right past Kirk, Han, Luke, Pizer, and Logan right back to Flash again. We chat about the sleekest designs, the best sounds, and the damage done by the all-time coolest weapons in Sci-fi […]

Pod Stallions 89: US Remakes of British Shows

“What do ‘Fawlty Towers’, ‘On the Buses’ and ‘Open All Hours’ have in common? If you answered ‘They’re all classic UK shows that got crappy US remakes’, you’d be right! But you’d have to add, ‘Brian & Jason also know way too much about it’. For every ‘All in the Family’, there are a dozen […]