
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome things on eBay this week- Star Wars Ape mashups, CB radio wear, ultraman, spock decor and Frankenstein wants a Pepsi! disclaimer- links are sponsored, it helps me pay the rent. Darth Vader/General Urko Bootleg Mashup (sponsored link) – There is just such magic to cheap bootleg items that do mash-ups before we even […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Spider-Balls, Fat Bats, Super Friends, M*A*S*H and Black Velvet E.T.! Disclaimer 1) These links are sponsored Disclaimer 2) My dad worked the night shift so we have to be quiet. Amsco Spider-Man Ball (sponsored link) Amsco put out FaceBalls in the mid-7os and did a bunch of characters, […]

Pod Stallions 124: David Lynch

The Elephant Man, Frank Booth, Agent Cooper and Bob, Sailor and Lula and the big sweaty Baron with bad skin. These are just some of the denizens in the film world of David Lynch. It’s safe to say the works of Lynch weren’t everyone’s cup of coffee. And that’s as it should be, with most […]

Mego Superheroes Display @ Alexanders in 1976

From the fall of 1976 comes this incredible display of Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes at Alexanders Department stores. This article boasts that Alexanders had more displays like this than any competitor. Above, you can see Mego Planet of the Apes Fortress Playsets. While a site like this is heaven for a Mego fan, it also […]

Vintage Mego: Treasures at Parkdale Novelty!

On this very special episode of Vintage Mego, we visit legendary Canadian toy company Parkdale Novelty, AKA “Mego Canada, ” the first of Mego’s international distributors. We talk to Rob and Donna, the third-generation owners, who share stories and generously let me dig through their toy archives. #mego #megomuseum New to the channel? Subscribe! ► […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- The Superfriends, MASH 4077, Planet of the Apes Adventure, Puffy Sticker Monsters and Smooching Dracula? Links are sponsored but not electrified, so you should be fine. Super Friends Flashlight (Affiliate Link) -► This is a one two punch of artwork, we have some lovely Alex Toth Superfriends Swipes […]

Toy-Ventures: Invasion of the Space Knock-Offs

Toy-Ventures: Invasion of the Space Knock-Offs   Space Apes! Star Warriors! Galaxy Maidens! Toy-Ventures returns with a long-overdue look at recent knock-off action figure pickups based on Mego Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, Moon McDare, and numerous space vixens. #Mego #startrek #knockoffs   Click Here for past installments of 5 Awesome Things on eBay […]

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap!

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap! Toy-Ventures returns to cover our biggest event of the year, Mego Meet, held at Zolo Con in Warminster, PA. This was a true blast of vintage, modern, and Custom Mego action figures. I hope you’ll check out this incredible feast of vintage toys! Mike Zolotorow, Krista Schmidt and […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Atomic Man, Jaws, Cylon capes, Dr. Zaius, Batman light switches and Black Velvet Gandalf. Psst: These links are sponsored; if you click 20 times, I get a Ritz cracker! Atomic Man outfit set (eBay Affiliate Link) — For that brief window of time when Mike Power Atomic Man […]