
Space Wars 1977

Christmas 1977 is such a unique period of time, every kid in the country had space toy fever thanks to a certain movie. However, no physical toys existed  (the cardboard promissory note was clever but come on) meaning it was a golden age for the Ideal Star Team (hastily slapped together to captilize on the […]

Toy-Ventures 5: The Lords of Light by PAC Toys

 This week’s installment of Toy-Ventures is all about the story PAC toys and their sadly too short toyline called the Lords of Light. I get into my relationship with their creator and what might have been with this 80s toy line that ended all too quickly.   Visit us online at   Twitter: @plaidstallions Shameless […]

Toy Hit Parade July 1978

Ever been kept up late at night wondering what were the hottest selling TV Advertised toys of July 39 years ago? Well sleep well my friends! What a surprise, Star Wars. I had much bigger plans for Friday but I’m currently battling a nasty virus, enjoy!

The shop window of Mego Dreams…..

I debated whether to put this here or on the Mego Museum but considering it’s a vintage photo of a toy store in Hong Kong (and let’s face it, this site has an obsession with such things). This display of Mego Superhero items and Micronauts is my happy place, I drove my mother crazy looking […]

Dolls: Big Figures from Fantasy!

I recently came across this wonderful article about action figures circa 1977, it mentions Micronauts, Pulsar, Metal Man, Electroman, Stretch Monster, Shogun Warriors and their impact on the toy market place. It features interviews with not only toy buyers but toy makers from Hasbro, Mego, Zee Toys and Mattel. Seeing as these are things that […]

Superheroes and Sci-Fi

One section of any wish book that I love is the “other” action figure pages in the era of Star Wars. There is a lot of great stuff on this page! While my time with the Mego Superheroes decreased sharply in 1979, I still viewed them like old friends. I still kinda do….

Pod Stallions 40: The Micronauts

For our 40th episode we are joined by actor/comedian Chris Tallman (@MrChristallman on twitter) for a celebration of the Interchangeable World of the Micronauts, the classic toy line from Mego that is about to get a major motion picture and new comic book series this year. The discussion begins with the toy line’s Japanese origins, it’s halcyon […]

The Amazing Micronauts Exhibit

Today’s update is a fun look at the amazing displays my pal Ray “Acroray” Miller put up at the Kruger Street Toy Museum a few years back.  I was lucky enough to see it first hand (luckily we also held Mego Meet there at the time) but for those of you who didn’t, this is […]