
The Six Greatest Bionic Man Knock Off Toys

I gave up writing a weekly list for Topless Robot, in order to finish writing Rack Toys. I will admit to missing it from time to time, so I’m going to keep fresh by churning out the odd one for PlaidStallions. The Kenner Six Million Dollar Man toy line is one of the most memorable […]

The Last Shogun

Click on the image for a larger view I found this single page in the back of a 1982 Mattel Germany catalog and for some reason it kind of made me sad. The catalog (which I’ll get to) is loaded with pages of cool European Big Jim stuff, Barbie and newcomer He-Man.  These two Goldorak […]

Monsters For Christmas

This is another personal favourite and should come as no surprise, I like monsters. This page with personal favourites the Remco Monsters and my personal “White Whale” Gre-Gory brings a tear to me eye… Want more Remco toys in your diet? Click the Linkage below: .

Space: Christmas 1976

Seeing all the Doctor Who merchandise in main stream stores this Christmas makes me nostalgic for the time when all Sci Fi shows were marketed towards kids.  Space:1999 mania was in full swing in 1976 and it produced buckets of memotable merchandise. That big Eagle is still something I plan on reacquiring in 2014.. On the […]

The Incredible Dr Steel Commercial

Today is an epic day for Plaidstallions.  I finally tracked down the film reel to a commercial that has haunted me since 1975 and I get to share it with all of you.  I remember it vividly, watching Space:1999 on my parent’s black and white TV when this commercial aired. Already a fan of the […]

Mattel Spin Welder Commercial

This is another commercial I recently had converted (and now giving away with my DVD sets). I don’t have much to say about Spin Welder other than it’s a cool concept and my parents would never have let me have it. The font in it’s logo was used more famously by Mego for the Micronauts […]

Quick Curl Barbie, Mod Hair Ken commercial

Good news, I stumbled on some more toy commercial reels and after years of sitting on my desk, I had them converted. First up is a little something for the ladies in the form of this early commercial. Here is a link if you can’t see the embed code. I love how putting side burns […]

PodStallions Episode 10: Glows in the Dark (Monster Toys)

Our second October episode, Jason and Brain try to cram in as many monster toys as they can into an hour and a half.  Aurora model kits, Marvel comics, action figures by Tomland, Remco and Lincoln International get discussed as does Cracked magazine, Power Records, the number of times we rented “LifeForce” on VHS (I’ve […]

Mattel Creepy Feature Promotion

I recently came across this promotional folder from Mattel full of different concepts for stores to boost sales of (duh) Mattel Toys. The one that most interested me was the Halloween specific teaming of Suckerman, Gre-Gory and Krusher into an end cap called the “Creepy Feature”. While I’m 100% sure this never made it to […]

1978 Mattel Flying Aces Catalog

Mattel’s Flying Aces were an elaborate take on the paper airplane, the planes were made of soft foam and the flight deck served as a launcher. Those who had it or the Battlestar Galactica version have mentioned that the planes had a short life but were fun nonetheless. In 1978, the line was three years […]