
Crazy Cool Toy Websites

Thought I’d use Sunday to share some new links, be prepared to waste an afternoon on these because they’re a lot of fun. First up is the newly launced FPLP Word, which stands for Fisher Price Little People, a line of toys that I am particularly fond of.Scott, the site’s webmaster really knows his little […]

1975 Fisher Price Catalog

Fisher Price created some of the most durable and well remembered toys of our life time, if you’re a 70/80’s kid, you likely had wonderful afternoons with the little people and possibly graduated to the real world action of the Adventure People. 1975 was an amazing year for Fisher Price, not only did they launch […]

Fisher Price Adventure People Trading Card

I’m not sure why it took me so long to get around to the Fisher Price Adventure People but they’re card #18. As anyone who reads this blog might already know, I have a mild obsession with this toyline, they are one of the most memorable (and durable!) action figures of the 1970s. The set […]

1977 Fisher Price Toy Catalog

I’m not sure any company could represent Christmas in the 70’s more to me than Fisher Price, seeing as a lot of their offerings were larger play sets, it was the one given each and every year growing up, under the tree, there would be a Fisher Price toy of some kind. Honestly I think […]

Sesame Street Playsets

I’m sure most people recognize the Sesame Street Clubhouse from Fisher Price but I’ve never seen the cardboard playset before. It makes Sesame Street look more like Mayberry than the urban setting it was, what’s with all the grass and trees? I still my own talking Ernie (he’s not as minty as the one featured […]

Sesame Street Week On PlaidStallions

I’ve been meaning to get to this for a long time now but the discovery of this photo of my fifth birthday cake (which was coconut died blue BTW) provided me some motivation. Like many of us, I was Sesame street obsessed as a kid, even my dog’s name was Grover.Christmas 1975 provided me with […]

Fisher Price Adventure People Store Displays

I’m currently working on the 1978 Fisher Price Catalog, it’s large so it’s taking a some time. One of the things I love about any old toy catalog are the occasional shot of a store display, they’re usually pretty biased to one thing but they give a little look of what was. I thought I’d […]

Some Sesame Street Toy Love

You can’t go wrong with a whole page of Sesame Street goodness like this 1978 Eatons Circular has. I still have my Fisher Price clubhouse and my kids use it every day. I do however find the Bert and Ernie Puppets on this page slightly disturbing. “Aaaaaaaggggghhhh!”

More Vintage Toy Store Shots

With the holiday season almost here it seemed like an appropriate time to once again look at the toy departments of long ago, Vintage Toy Stores Part Four offers more shots of forgotten retailers and their shelves packed with memories. Look for appearances by Mego Superheroes, the Shogun Warriors, AMT model kits, Fisher Price Little […]