
Pod Stallions 124: David Lynch

The Elephant Man, Frank Booth, Agent Cooper and Bob, Sailor and Lula and the big sweaty Baron with bad skin. These are just some of the denizens in the film world of David Lynch. It’s safe to say the works of Lynch weren’t everyone’s cup of coffee. And that’s as it should be, with most […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

Kenner Bionic Woman Designer Dresses (eBay Link) — Catalogue mailer items are one of those things I admire, and as a toy collector, I feel they add a charm to everything. I don’t collect Bionic Woman, but I think this set is unique. yes, I know water stains are gross; I get it, but it’s […]

Pod Stallions 98: The 2021 Retro Awards

New to the channel? Subscribe! ► We’re living in such strange times that it truly feels like yesterday that we were going over our ‘Best Of 2020’ list, commenting on how quickly we got there. Well, we blinked a few times and 2021 is done and gone, so here we are again with our picks […]

Pod Stallions 98: The 2021 Retro Awards

New to the channel? Subscribe! ► We’re living in such strange times that it truly feels like yesterday that we were going over our ‘Best Of 2020’ list, commenting on how quickly we got there. Well, we blinked a few times and 2021 is done and gone, so here we are again with our picks […]

Pod Stallions 64: DUNE

Hell hath frozen over, we’re doing the Dune show. Long joked about as a “never gonna happen”, the Dune show became our #1 listener requested episode and well, give the folks some spice! We’ve brought in our pal and uber fan David Weiner of the awesome It came from Blog to join us and discuss […]

Colouring Book Theatre: Dune Activity Book

Dune Activity Book (1984), Grosset & Dunlop.          A local half price book chain just added piles of these to their inventory,  meaning they found a stash of unsold Dune merchandise 30 years later.            I’ve already looked at the (wrongheaded) Dune colouring books before but they’re so freaking […]

1984 LJN Toys Dune Catalog

It’s hard to believe that toy makers thought the next merchandising blitz would come from a David Lynch film but that’s exactly what happened in 1984. Dune got the full treatment with colouring books, bed sheets and of course a selection of action figures produced by LJN. The movie wasn’t particularly kid (or for that […]

Colouring Book Theatre: Dune Activity Book

DUNE: Puzzles, Games, Mazes and Activities This is my third pass (you can read parts one and two here) at Dune coloring books or as I like to call them, “Comedy Gold” .  The book promises you can “relive all excitement and adventure from the movie” but as we all know, crosswords and poorly thought out games rarely […]

Colouring Book Theater: Dune (Part 2)

It’s been entirely too long since I did an entry for Colouring Book Theater (coincidentally, if anybody wants to send in a Superhero Mall appearance, I’d be your friend) so I thought I’d do some new ones for 2013. The original Dune entry proved to be one of the most popular things I’ve done here […]