
Pod Stallions Episode 4: Spies Like Us

Dust off your spear gun and get comfy in your volcano lair, this one’s all about Spies and spy like products. Jason and Brian talk about their love of the genre including James Bond, Man from U.N.C.L.E, Matt Helm, Derek Flint and there was just no way of avoiding discussion of “A Man Called Sloane”.  […]

Tarzan by Corgi

As readers of this blog might know, I have a real affection for 70s Tarzan merchandise, mostly because of the wonderful Filmation series that ran on CBS (which sadly, is not available on DVD). One of the best items out of that era has to be this wicked Corgi set which of course features jungle […]

1979 Corgi Jr Catalog

One of the biggest names when it comes to diecast cars in the world has to be Corgi and in the 1970s they were a licensing machine! If it was hot with kids and involved vehicles then it was likely a Corgi product. Everybody from Kojak to Batman to James Bond even the rebels from […]

The Coolest Batman Toys of the 1970’s

With the release of “the Dark Knight” this weekend (which I can’t see until next week, grrrr!) it seemed apt to pay homage to the multitude of merchandising that has been created in the Caped Crusader’s name, particularly during the 1970’s. How did Bruce Wayne make his millions? Merchandising! No Superhero is a bigger pimp […]

Diecast Heroes

Corgi was a legend in the diecast car industry, certainly because of the quality and it’s licensed goods. Corgi was best known to children of the Seventies as the maker of “that batmobile” we all owned. By 1978, Corgi was grabbing every TV movie license it could and producing some of the finest diescast toy […]

Vintage Toy Ads: KIds Go Bats over Batman

I haven’t done a vintage toy ad probably since I burned out during retro toy fair in February. This ad is sort of relevant to me as I recently made friends with a former Corgi sales rep, we were talking about the Batmobile and he said “Do you know how many of those we sold?” […]

Holy Diecast Batman!

Another bit of vintage toy industry advertising. Growing up, Corgi Jrs were some of the coolest diecast around, not only because of their Superhero lines (I still have my Batmobile and Batcopter) but because they seemed to license almost every cool car from TV and movies including James Bond and Starsky and Hutch. Hopefully I’ll […]