
Nerd Therapy Sessions: Aurora Barfealis

This tale takes me to 1976  and it’s a tale of Superheroes, long boring car rides and toy loss. More after the jump, warning to the first three rows, you will get wet… The set up to this story is that my Dad was a self employed “rack jobber” to the convenience stores across Ontario. […]

Aurora Monsters on Sale

My love for the Aurora Monster model kits knows no bounds, I’ve bought and re bought them several times over during my life and I’m currently repairing the ones my kids and I did over the years. I thought it would be fun to go through some old timey ads where they could be purchased […]

Cool Collections: Sammy

I got a cool Halloween Treat this week froim my pal Sammy from the Mego forum, he was kind enough to get into the Spooky spirit by sharing his collection of Aurora Monster kits and AHI Super Monsters. Both of these are like kryptonite to me, so check out all the fun after the jump: […]

Create a Monster

Monogram really did create a monster when they reissued these classic Aurora Monster kits in 1983, unfortunately that monster was me and I still get crazy whenever I see these. I hope these kits never stop being reissued.

Big Frankie and the Monsters

Cheating a bit here as this item came out slightly before the 1970s but I’ve always been fascinated with Aurora kits and this wonderful item in particular. Basically it’s a super deformed version of Boris Karloff and to my surprise, this wasn’t a hit when released in the mid 1960s. I’m guessing the $6.49 price […]

Toys & Games by Variety Product Sales

I had an epic day last Wednesday, what I thought would be a boring trip to a storage unit turned out to be an amazing discovery! When I found the records and remnants of my father’s 1970s toy distribution business including these funky signs he used to use. I have been looking for one of […]

Monster Model Day

A tradition in my house every October is Monster Model day, where I get the kids together and we paint a couple of Aurora reissues and use them as our centerpiece for the month. Above is last years, I had a lot of trouble finding kits locally so I actually bought this years kits when […]

Halloween Pot Pourri

No real direction today, just a bunch of different things that didn’t seem to fit anywhere else, above is an early 80s ad for a costume company called Topstone. I’m not really all that familiar with them but I know there are collectors out there. For Maxx Fx Fans, here is a 1989 article (click […]

Vintage Toy Stores Part Seven

A long standing tradition on my birthday as a kid was my Grandmother taking me to the toystore to pick out amy own gift. I honestly don’t remember what I chose every year but I do remember those times when I was able to pour over the aisles of Eaton’s or Pinnochio’s with no pressure […]

Cool Collections: Ray Miller

It’s been a while since I had a cool collection to feature and along comes this excellent collection of Aurora Prehistoric Scenes models from Ray Miller. Ray’s staggering collection doesn’t just include regular items, there are true pieces of toy history in there including the original hard resin copy of the prehistoric bird kit and […]