
Godzilla Day!

Well, it’s one of those days where your teacher is too hung over to do anything so he just wheels in the projector. In my case, I’m sick but it works just as well. I thought it would be fine time to showcase these commercials from our DVD showcasing a character near and dear to […]

Rom Space Knight Trading Card

The Age of Rom has come! Card #23 is Rom: Space Knight by Parker Brothers Rom is such an iconic piece of 70s lore and I find it funny how many people tell me they never knew he was a toy! That’s because while Parker Brothers did an admirable job of marketing the toy, Marvel […]

The 1979 Metal Men Catalog

The Metal Men by Zee Toys were by far one of the neatest non-TV advertised toy lines around. Made entirely of die cast metal, these sleek futuristic series of robotic action figures left the back story completely to your imagination.Check out the 1979 Metal Men CatalogAs an added bonus, we have the amazing Metal men […]

Girl’s Toy Day!

Seeing as it’s my darlin’ daughter’s birthday today and her long (and much missed) afternoon naps are what inspired me to create this blog three years and five days ago (which I probably should have mentioned) I thought I’d dedicate the day to her favorite subject, dolls! In this case Barbie’s with two classic commercials […]

The Cardboard Black Hole

I found this ad in a Canadian Toy Trade Magazine so I’m not sure if the toy itself ever got made. If it did, I must own it as it is full of win. I’ve mentioned it before but I love the Black Hole, maybe even more than Star Wars. Probably because it’s weirder and […]

The 1979 Ideal Summer Toys Catalog

Aw yeah, summer’s almost here and it’s time to take a peek into what Ideal Toys had in store for back yard fun with the 1979 Summer Time Catalog. Lots of pages of inflatable noveltys such as pools, air mattresses and water wings being modeled by some of the hottest moms ever to grace a […]

Vintage Commercial Friday

I’ve uploaded a couple of commercials from volume 2 of our DVD “70s Toy Explosion“(thanks so much to everybody who ordered BTW) and thought it’d be cool to share them today. It’s fun aaaaand so much less time consuming than scanning an actual catalogue. This commercial for the Barbie Star Traveller is of interest of […]


It’s official, I have a disco lady fetish or “TonyManerophelia”, thanks to the interweb, I’ll be able to find many like me in no time.

70s Toy Explosion Volume 2

Sorry, this is a shill post.Thanks to a good find and the amazing help of my pal Dave, I’m releasing another volume of 1970s toy commercials all transferred from the original 16 mm reels. The majority of these are from 1979 and from Mego, Mattel and Kenner. Stretch Monster Barbie Superstar Traveler (Judy “Dyna Girl” […]


While I’ve seen Underoos in catalogs for years, it’s usually just showing the usual Batman and Spider-Man but here’s a rare occasion when they feature one of my favourites Aquaman and not only that but they’re snubbing the caped crusader! It’s crazy hard to find Aquaman merchandise in catalogs, as Rob from the Aquaman Shrine […]