Toy-Ventures Magazine Subscription

Toy-Ventures Magazine Subscription


Subscription to Toy-Ventures Magazine the #1 print toy collector magazine made by a guy named Brian.


Issue #13 of Toy-Ventures will feature the never-before-seen plans for the 1983 World's Greatest Superheroes toy line and a cover featuring artwork specially commissioned for Mego's catalog, gloriously coloured by Robyn Adams, founder of the Mego Museum.


Get the next 3 issues of Toy-Ventures delivered to your door. 
Beginning with Issue 13, you’ll be automatically shipped each issue of Toy-Ventures until issue 15.

You’ll always be guaranteed the pre-order exclusive as well.


Please choose your country, and we’ll send piping hot Toy-Ventures Magazine goodness to your door.

Toy-Ventures is a new toy collector magazine coming to you from PlaidStallions press, who brought you MegoZine and Rack Toys: Cheap Crazed Playthings.

Did you miss print toy collector magazines? So did we, and that’s why we created Toy-Ventures magazine in 2020.

Toy-Ventures is an old skool full-colour print toy collector magazine featuring toys and action figures from the 1960s to the 1990s in a comprehensive manner.

Each issue of Toy-Ventures magazine will feature collector guides, rare photographs, interviews, and articles by some of the toy experts in the Collector Field. It’s a quarterly celebration of our childhood friends!

Toy-Ventures Magazine Subscription



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