Astro Apes Dr. Zorma Enamel Collector Pin : Toy-Ventures Collectibles : Knock-Offs

Astro Apes Dr. Zorma Enamel Collector Pin : Toy-Ventures Collectibles : Knock-Offs


Dr. Zorma  Collectible Enamel Pin by Toy-Ventures Magazine.

96 in stock



Astro Apes Dr. Zorma pin


Limited Edition enamel collector pin of Dr. Zorma, the Mego Knock-Off figure from the Astro Apes. One of the more fun Planet of the Apes rip-offs out there.

Toy-Ventures Collectibles presents an enamel collector pin of our spokesmodel Brick Mantooth. Artwork is by Chris Franklin.

Each Pin measures 2″ tall and comes on a Toy-Ventures collectible card.

Watch for more Toy-Ventures Collectible enamel pins soon.

About Toy-Ventures magazine: Formed in 2020, this print toy collector magazine celebrates toys from the 1960s to the 1990s. Features include full colour guides to vintage toy lines, rare prototypes and columns and articles from top collectors and toy historians. Every quarter we deliver pieces on Mego, Remco, AHI, Playmates, Tomland, Lincoln International, Kenner, Hasbro and many more. Issue 9 is now shipping.

#toyventures #plaidstallions #brickmantooth #collectorpin Mego Odeon Toys

Astro Apes Dr. Zorma pin

#megoknockoff #plaidstallions #astroapes knock-offs, AHI, Action Apeman,