Pod Stallions 45 : The Monkees

We’re thrilled to be back recording PodStallions after some truly turbulent times.
Today’s show is all about our mutual love for the Monkee’s, although neither of us were alive for the show’s original run we were both hooked on reruns and records during the middle 1970s.
We kick off the show playing catch up and discussing Jason’s adventures at San Diego Comic Con, including a chance meeting with SCTV’s Dave Thomas and being on the Famous Monsters of Filmland panel.
Then we get into the Monkee’s, our early impressions, favourite bits of merchandise, songs and episodes. We even get into the disastrous “New Monkee’s” series that should just be forgotten.
Hit us up on our facebook page and tell us what your favourite Monkees song and merch is!
Show Notes:
- The Box Set Jason mentioned
- The Monkee Mobile was repackaged as Fonzie’s car in 1976
- The amazing Monkees dolls being produced by Figures Toy Company
- Pin Mates by Jason’s company Bif Bang Pow!
- Trailer for HEAD
- That version of “Listen to the Band” Brian mentioned
- An excerpt from Mike Nesmith’s Television Parts.
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