Pod Stallions 121: The Alien Franchise

Pod Stallions 121: The Alien Franchise

Pod Stallions
Pod Stallions
Pod Stallions 121: The Alien Franchise

What has two arms, two mouths and gets you right in the chest?


It’s ALIEN, of course, and since 1979 it’s titular character has appeared (tho altered) in multiple big budget flicks, with varying and often disappointing results. With the new Alien: Romulus currently face-hugging the public in a retro way, we thought we’d cover the good, the bad and the Italian (yes, we get to the ALIEN rip-offs!) in our latest convo.

In cyberspace, everyone can hear you scream…from listening to the ALIEN-ating new episode of Pod Stallions!

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Pod Stallions 121: The Alien Franchise

Pod Stallions 121: The Alien Franchise



















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Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book Megolike

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The official FB group for PlaidStallions, come for theĀ conversation, stay for the chill vibe. Remember, you keep the glass


. Megolike Knock Off Head Quarters is better than the ABUSIVE divorced dad energy of other groups

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Pod Stallions, PlaidStallions, Alien, Aliens, Kenner, Ridley Scott, Heavy Metal, Planet of the Vampires, Alien 3, Prometheus, Jason Lenzi, Brain Heiler, Toy-Ventures, Luigi Cozzi, Contamination, Alien VS Predator, Pod Cast, podcast,

About The Author

AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.

1 Comment

  • Don Chisholm on September 6, 2024

    Hee heee! Good show!
    Back in the day there WAS a photonovel of the first film. It had pics from the deleted scenes in it. I remember ‘cos it confused me when I was a kid that the photonovel and novelization were different from the actual film.

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