
For Fast Footed Crime Chasers

I would pay a month’s wages to see Christian Bale in one of these in full bat regalia. I can already picture Ben Affleck… New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store! Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

Metal Man and UFO Adventure Sets

The Metal Man figures actually predate Star Wars but they couldn’t have found a better time to exist. I remember being really fascinated with these characters and even buying the DC “Metal Men” comic as a kid thinking they were somehow related. I was disappointed… New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store! […]

Six Million Dollar Christmas

I can’t help but associate Lee Majors with Christmas, he was present at some really good ones! New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store! Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

The Plaid Bunker

It’s like living in the pocket of a sports coat! Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

World of Adventures

Ah, this photo will be my happy place today. That orange scuba set was well played with in my house. Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

The Creepy Elves Christmas Catalog

Recently I stumbled upon this Simpson’s Christmas Catalog at an antique mall, it was a little pricey and had few toys so I considered not buying it until I noticed something odd. There was a theme going on as many of the pages were populated by these two creepy elves. It was so weird, I […]

ERTL Star Trek 3 Klingon Prototype Found!

I’ve talked about the ERTL Star Trek 3 figures before and I especially love this press photo of the handmade mockups. While the Kirk, Spock and Scottie are obviously repainted Mego The Motion Picture figures, I always wondered what the Klingon figure was.  Well, today I got that answer, more after the jump: Recently I […]

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,  If you have any of these stereos hidden in the back somewhere, I’m your boy. Also, if you’re going to the back, I have a long list of outdated toys I’ll take off your hands as well. Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys […]

PlaySkool Computer

If you had told me when I was five that I’d spend my day in front of a computer, I’d have been overjoyed. Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

Lovely Holiday Gifts for All the Girls!

True story- One Christmas my mum purchased matching sweaters for me and my dad, she made us open them together.  I was twelve and well, this wasn’t a very welcome concept.  My father thanked my mother and nodded at me, sending an incredible nonverbal message of “bury this in your drawer, never wear it, never speak […]