AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.
I had this stuffed Big Bird and I loved him! Big Bird was never scary to me.
I remember being very freaked out any time they showed the muppets with real, working legs (i.e. Bert's Pigeon Dance). For some reason they always looked too long, too skinny, just plain wrong.
My little sister had this very Big Bird toy. She ADORED it and took it with her EVERYWHERE. In the end, he lost his eyes and most of his fluff from the constant hugging.
THAT was scary…
I hear you Karen . . . the sight of Kermit peddling a bicycle in The Muppet Movie looked so wrong to me!
I liked Big Bird a lot. I liked all the Muppets, although I preferred Mr. Rogers when I was in the appropriate age bracket. The one I developed an extreme dislike for is Elmo. He's the devil, he took the role of my lovable furry old pal Grover, and he's annoying as all get out. And that was before Tickle Me Elmo came out!
Anyway, about Bird, I was soooo very happy when his best pal Snuffleupagus became recognized by everyone on the Street. I don't like every Muppet on the Street equally; I get frustrated with Ernie because of how he treats Bert, but I do like him a lot. I love Count von Count, Prairie Dawn is nice, Cookie Monster rocks, and I liked the schoolkids from Roosevelt Franklin (bah) Elementary School (who didn't make it out of the 70s). Telly Monster and Snuffy's niece Alice are nice.
And of course, Kermit is groovy; loved his Muppet News Flashes.
Gordon Long