
AHI Creature!

Up until last summer, I was pretty much done with collecting AHI figures, completely talking myself out of the one figure that I (and my site) needed, a carded AHI Creature. This mostly because they’re always so pricey, I mean “both kids need braces” pricey. So I just kept the idea that if the opportunity […]

PodStallions Episode 10: Glows in the Dark (Monster Toys)

Our second October episode, Jason and Brain try to cram in as many monster toys as they can into an hour and a half.  Aurora model kits, Marvel comics, action figures by Tomland, Remco and Lincoln International get discussed as does Cracked magazine, Power Records, the number of times we rented “LifeForce” on VHS (I’ve […]

Remco Monsters At Home Revisited

It’s been a while since I updated the Remco Monsters at Home Gallery, thanks mostly to some bargains being found. Above is the carded Creature set, something I had basically given up on owning. The Creature, is always the painful one to get in any set, mostly due to his popularity.  Here is the Mummy, […]

Pod Stallions Episode 9: Monster Kids

October brings out the best in us as both Jason and myself appear to be “Autumns”. More importantly, October serves as a countdown to Halloween and brings with it all sorts of memories of monsters and horror. Throughout this episode we explore our first experiences with the genre, what publications were most helpful and what […]

Parachuting Super Monsters!

What better way to kick off a month of Halloween related updates  than to showcase this amazing AHI toy rarity I discovered. It’s rack toy monster madness and it’s all after the jump! OK I apologize for anybody fooled by that (terrible) photoshop job, this is not a real vintage toy discovery of any kind. […]

1974 APC Puzzle Catalog

Who didn’t love Puzzles in a can? American Publishing Corporation sure knew what kids liked in 1974, their collection included the DC comics Superheroes, Universal Monsters, Dinosaurs even the Lone Ranger himself! Check out the cool Puzzle displays here This one’s a little light this week, I’ve been battling the flu lately but next week […]

1974 Centsable Halloween Catalog

  Centsable, the people behind Socker Boppers also did a good business in Halloween costumes, who knew? This 1974 catalog shows that while they did in fact have several decent licenses like the Hanna Barbera clan , they were not above creating some of the ballsiest knock offs of the decade nor did the seem […]

Imperial Inflates the Monsters

  I wasn’t a kid when Imperial Toys got the Universal Monster license (and I’ll touch upon this more next week) but I do have nostalgia for the line. There was a Frankenstein bop bag in the back of a KB Toys in Western NY that I visited for the majority of the late 80s […]

Wolfman Flasher Faces

Behold the last Monster Rack Toy ever produced by AHI! Flasher Faces popped up five years after the  Monster merchandise bonanza of the mid seventies and while AHI was doing wonderful things with the license under their Remco brand, these flasher faces are the sole bit of cheap, dime store goodness produced during this period. […]

Remco Monsters Prototypes

I am lucky enough to know the owner of these original factory pulls of the 9″ Remco Creature from the Black Lagoon and Phantom of the Opera figures. It’s also advantageous that he brought them over to my house last spring and let me photograph them. From the collection of the line’s sculptor, the difference […]