
Japanese Punch

In North America, we get clowns and Fred Flinstone. In Japan, they get kick ass TV Superheroes like Ultra-Man and Mirror Man. Advantage Japan….

Toys that fight back

Leave it to the Japanese to improve upon a standard north American toy, the bop bag. Unlike our defenseless versions which teach children nothing, Japanese children threw punches with the knowledge that Ultra-Man might give them five across the eyes for doing so. Well done land of the rising sun!

Ultra-Men and Monster Maker

Leave it to the Japanese to make a fun toy more “funner” (it’s a word), here we see what I can only imagine is the original version of we here in North America know as “The Mighty Men and Monster Maker” easily one of the coolest toys from my youth. In Japan however, their version […]

Costume of the Week: Ultra-Man

As much as I’d like to say I own this killer Collegeville Ultraman suit, I don’t. Fortunately for me, Corey volunteered some shots of his collection to the blog including the two variations of this classic suit, more after the jump. Above is the first version suit and smock, I don’t know why they chose […]

Ultraman Goes Bowling

From the other side of the world comes this wonderful and slightly strange piece of merchandise which gives you a peak into Ultraman’s personal life. He’s a regular Joe just like me!