
Ultraman Goes Bowling

From the other side of the world comes this wonderful and slightly strange piece of merchandise which gives you a peak into Ultraman’s personal life. He’s a regular Joe just like me!

1975 Transogram Catalog

Transogram isn’t really a company I know much about, mostly because to my knowledge they never made action figures. However in 1975, they sure made a lot of things kids liked such as Doctor kits, target sets and Drum kits. Licenses include Planet of the Apes and a whole bunch of oddball M*A*S*H items I […]

Space Academy by Aviva

I always kind of found it odd that out of all the cool shows that Filmation produced in the 1970s, my least favourite ones got all the merchandising. Sure, I watched Isis on TV but there was no way in heck I could buy a girl doll. Also, despite being a lover of SF at an […]

The Aliens

Park Plastics Aliens line was another attempt to cash in on the endless popularity in space and sci fi caused by Star Wars, they’re also kind of fun looking. If you’ve never heard of Park Plastics, that’s because they were mainly known for water pistols and non tv advertised rack toys. As far as I know […]

1978 Mattel Pulsar Catalog

1978 saw the return of Mattel’s Pulsar the Ultimate Man of Adventure returned to I guess, fight crime with his non descript powers. This year he would be joined by his new foe Hypnos. While Pulsar sold well for a toy with no publicity other than his TV commercials, things were starting to fall flat for […]

1977 Johnny’s Toys Catalog

Located in Kentucky, Johnny’s Toys was one of those independant Toy retailers you sorely miss in this day and age. The store was very customer friendly, sending children birthday cards that contained a key that could unlock a free gift on their next visit. In addition, they printed these fun catalogs that showcased some of […]

1983 LJN Advanced Dungeons & Dragons catalog

In 1982, LJN toys beat out rival toymake Mego for the rights to produce toys based on the popular TSR role play game “Dungeons and Dragons” and a great underrated series of toys was born. The LJN D&D line was sort of a grown up version of Masters of the Universe with it’s Elves, Wizards […]

Personal pan pizza hut

Here is another accessory that I need for the Plaidstallions nerve center, I’ll put it right next to the beer fridge and the baconer, when they finally retrieve my bloated carcass from under this pile of old catalogs, at least it’ll be smiling.

Kenner Milky and pals

You know I’ve had a lot of fun at the expense at Kenner’s “Milky the marvelous milking Cow” toy with easy comments like “they must have been drunk that day” surfacing. However a deeper look into the Kenner 1978 catalog provides the insight that Milky was not the result of a vodka soaked luncheon but actually a  premeditated series […]