
The Top Ten cancelled toys of the 70s/80s

As much as I enjoyed my childhood, it sometimes pains me to think of the stuff we didn’t get, for whatever boring grown up decision. Sure, some of these licensed wouldn’t have sold and could have forced the companies into risky financial positions but baby Brian wants his toys dammit! Here are the top ten […]

Space:1999 The Alien

This is a piece I wanted to add to Rack Toys but it got a little wordy and too insider, so I saved it for here. Most Space:1999 fans are at least slightly aware of the fundimensions “The Alien” model kit, which  has no connection to the show. It is in fact, a revamped Goerge […]

Space Lego Love!

True Confession time: As much as I go on and on about vintage Space Lego sets, I a) never had any as a kid (save for one small set I bought with my own money) and b) don’t have any now.  However, I am luckily married to a Space Lego collector and with the help […]

Release the birthday Kraken!

Christopher Elam of the great blog OWARI submitted this great bit of 1981, this being his ninth birthday he has received the Mattel Kraken. Being of a similiar age, I wax fondly at those blockbusters that diverted our attention from Star Wars, albeit briefly…

Lost Star Trek Merchandise

I was thumbing through the 1979 Southbend catalog the other night (click on it to enlarge) and correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think any of this stuff got made. Southbend made some cool toys for the movie, particularly and electronic Enterprise that is still quite popular with collectors but I’ve never seen […]

Lincoln Monster Mystery

I’ve been been pretty much under the assumption that I’d seen it all when it came to Lincoln Monsters. Well, that fell apart this weekend when I got this photo emailed me to me. These are the four perfect as the day they were made Monster figures shrunk wrapped to a card. To me, it […]

The Muppet Show 1981 Catalog

1981 and the world wide phenom known as the Muppet Show was still going strong buoyed mainly by it’s second feature film “The Great Muppet Caper” that summer. Fisher Price, was still popping out the merchandise and made several new editions to line including Piggy in her Pigs in Space Uniform. Click the pics or […]

Kenner TTP goes Bionic

In 1977 Bionic Man-ia (get it?) was still running so high that kids everywhere were asking Santa for a doll of a middle aged man in a bad sports coat (self included BTW). So the only logical thing to do was expand upon the licenses offerings (I’m writing this sipping out of a Bionic Man […]