
Official Space:1999 Moon Car

This toy by AHI is pretty topical considering last week’s Gerry Anderson centric pod cast.  I don’t own it but I am lucky enough to know the owner, so I had the opportunity to photograph it at this year’s MegoMeet. Turns out this piece is crazy rare, even rarer then the Superfriends buggy I drool […]

Pod Stallions Episode 8: Anderson is FAB

Seeing as it’s September 13th, there is no better time to talk about the creative force that was Gerry Anderson. Eventhough much of the man’s output was done before Jason and Brain were even an idea, their timeless quality has fans talking about them to this day.  The guys show the evolution in puppets from […]

The Mego Wiz

Wizard of Oz merchandise seems commonplace today but in 1975, when Mego nabbed the toy license it was a huge, hairy deal. The company actually put one of the film’s producers on their board of directors and for Toy fair reunited the living cast members, the orders flowed like melted butter. The remaining cast of […]

Dinky Trek

Sometimes you find little gems in odd places, this shot from a German Toy Fair in the 70s shows two Dinky employees relieving boredom by having a Star Trek war. I love the sci fi stuff Dinky made in the 70s and should I ever get that money from my many frivolous lawsuits, I’m recreating the two […]

Diener Industries 1975 Catalog

  Seeing as it’s back to school time, no catalog makes more sense than Diener, who specialized in rubber figurines, erasers and pencil toppers. Essentially the inexpensive toys disguised as School supplies you could sneak into school. Looking at this thing brought a flood of memories to me, as it’s an inventory of stuff I […]

Cirque du Weeble

As I’ve mentioned multiple times, my parents denied me the Weeble experience, as we were a devout Fisher Price Little People family. Life was good, so I’m not complaining but the grass always looked pretty green in Weeble-ville.

Pepsi for all!

These things were a big mystery to me as a kid, I’d see them in catalogs but I never knew anyone who had one. I had no idea how the soda got in there, mystery solved, you put a bottle in there. I wasn’t gifted…

Deluxe Kiss Guitar

While I can’t say I’m a giant KISS fan these days, I was also in third grade when the merchandise explosion hit and am not made of stone.  KISS stuff always stops me in my tracks, not unlike my dog when it sees a squirrel. Neither of us need it, wouldn’t know what to do with […]

The Black Hole Gun

As promised to Jason in our upcoming episode of Pod Stallions, I’ve finally scanned this and put it on the blog for the world to see. While Disney had a ban on guns in the US (Mego couldn’t give their Black Hole characters weapons) it didn’t stop UK distributor Marx from attempting to produce a […]

The Remco 7

Spider-Man, Reggie Jackson,three babies, somebody’s dad and KISS. It’s a super team nobody wanted but everyone got. Remco  links . ..