
1973 Hasbro GI Joe Adventure Team Catalog

One of my favourite memories from childhood is tiny me marveling at the GI Joe adventure team boxes in the Woolco toy aisle, that’s why I always enjoy when I pick up a Hasbro catalog I don’t have. This time it’s the Adventure Team from their true high point in 1973 with such iconic toys […]

Battlestar Galactica Inflatable Viper

I recently discovered this in a catalog for toymaker GLJ, who specialized in things like bop bags and inflatable Barbie Furniture.  Turns out they had the Battlestar Galactica license and planned a number of things, including this inflatable Colonial Viper that would have fit the 12″ Mattel figures. While some GLJ BSG merchandise made it […]

ROM joins Action Man

A year after Parker Brothers launched ROM in the US, Palitoy their UK distributor, inserted him into their Action Man Space Rangers line which is, a really good idea. I have to assume one of the challenges of selling ROM was that he was a pricey stand alone action figure made by a company that […]

1977 Gabriel Toys Lone Ranger Catalog

The Lone Ranger toyline is easily one of the nicest action figure lines of the 1970s if not all time and Gabriel Toys had some real long running success with it. This 1977 Catalog is the third year for the line and shows that it was still going strong, Gabriel put a lot of effort […]

Star Trek 1978

Even though Star Wars was all the rage, the Mego Star Trek figures miraculously re-appeared in the 1978 Sears Catalog. The figures came on cards with blank backers, it’s largely believed it was a tactic by Mego to retain the Star Trek license for the upcoming move.  Always nice to see the Space Command Center […]