
Star Trek : The Comic Strip

In 1979, a Star Trek daily comic strip appeared, tied into “Star Trek : The Motion Picture”. What’s weird about this is I somehow clipped and pasted an entire story into a scrap book as a kid, eventhough I have no recollection of doing so. It does make sense, as a kid, I was really […]

The Human Adventure is Just Beginning

I have to admit I really liked Star Trek The Motion Picture as a kid, not really the movie itself but the merchandising. As a kid I had all the Mego figures and the styrene bridge playset. I never saw this southbend enterprise or phasers but those would have been once they hit clearance because […]

AMT Model Catalog from 1975

AMT was a pretty big deal in the mid seventies, they had some terrific car model kits but for those whose tastes ran geekier they had an amzing line of kits based on Star Trek. I can’t tell you how many of these great kits I ruined with my crummy gluemanship and sloppy testors paint […]

Bedspread Fantasy and Reality

Here we have a small snippet of my childhood, if asked which bedspread I wanted there is no doubt in my mind that the six year old me would have chosen Star Trek. I was forced to watch it every Saturday morning when my sister had a fleeting crush on William Shatner (she now shivers […]

Sit on Fonzie’s face

I’m loving this selection of Bean Bag chairs from ’76, my personal fave being the Star Trek one although Fat Albert is tempting.Again with the Welcome Back Kotter and how often do you see licensed merchandise from Convoy ?

Remco Flying Enterprise: Unrequited Toy Love

I never had the Remco Star Trek Enterprise space flight game but lord, how i remember wanting it. The TV commercial is especially memorable but to my disappointment, it’s not on youtube.Essentially a knock off of the Mattel Vertibird, Remco also did a very cool Batman version of this set. Mattel made an Eagle one […]