
Space: Christmas 1976

Seeing all the Doctor Who merchandise in main stream stores this Christmas makes me nostalgic for the time when all Sci Fi shows were marketed towards kids.  Space:1999 mania was in full swing in 1976 and it produced buckets of memotable merchandise. That big Eagle is still something I plan on reacquiring in 2014.. On the […]

To boldly wear (part 2)

Yet another neato Star Trek shirt I saw at last June’s  MegoMeet, thanks to my pal Corey and his awesome collection of shirt rarities. Oddly enough, just like the last shirt, this one is also a swipe of artwork from another source. This time however, it’s not Amazing Spider-Man annual #1 but from the AMT  Galileo 7 model […]

Dinky Trek

Sometimes you find little gems in odd places, this shot from a German Toy Fair in the 70s shows two Dinky employees relieving boredom by having a Star Trek war. I love the sci fi stuff Dinky made in the 70s and should I ever get that money from my many frivolous lawsuits, I’m recreating the two […]

Preschool Trek

Sarah sent in this 1976 back to school shot of her younger brother marching off to his first day of pre school clad in his Donmoor Star Trek best. Bonus kudos on nailing the “Kirk Smirk”. I cannot think of a better back to school photo for this blog. The Top Ten Coolest 70s Star […]

Pod Stallions Episode 7: Battle Beyond the Star Wars

Originally we were going to do our Empire Strikes Back show but then realized that discussion of all the other Sci Fi properties of the late 1970s would have left us with a four hour show. So, Episode 7 lovingly talks about all those “other” SF movies of the disco era from the feety pajamas […]

The Ultimate Star Trek Shirt

This smiling “autographed” picture of Leonard Nimoy is believed to be from a series of store appearances promoting not toys but what I have deemed the most incredible piece of Star Trek merchandise ever.  What follows after the jump is madness, be warned. First, let’s get the company name out of the way, Huk-A-Poo. Huk-A-Poo […]

To boldly wear

At this past weekend’s MegoMeet, I was witness to many new, exciting things but none quite as awesome as this shirt that my pal Corey lent me to photograph. This one is just everything I love about 70s Trek merch, I wish they made it in lummoxy adult sizes today. It’s the second coolest Star […]

Lost Star Trek Merchandise

I was thumbing through the 1979 Southbend catalog the other night (click on it to enlarge) and correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think any of this stuff got made. Southbend made some cool toys for the movie, particularly and electronic Enterprise that is still quite popular with collectors but I’ve never seen […]

Comic 3 pack love

Back when I collected comics “seriously” (AKA when I was 11) the most dreaded thing to own was a “reprint”. That Whitman symbol or a diamond price tag meant the comic was worthless and Willy, the local expert (and the only kid with an Overstreet Guide) was quick to point that out and shame you. […]