

Ben broke my month long drought of Superhero Mall Appearance Pictures with this terrific picture of him with Spider-man at Cavalier Square Shopping Center in Hopewell, VA. He notes this is probably 1978-1979. Note the cameo by Jerry Lewis. As you can see, Ben chose his attire wisely by wearing a shirt that I wished I’d […]

1981 Ben Cooper Costume Catalog

Halloween around here wouldn’t be the same without the store bought goodness that is Ben Cooper. If you were a child of the 70s or 80s, then you certainly knew their product. Cooper held some of the great licenses in 1981 including the Disney characters, both the DC and Marvel comics Superheroes, Clash of the […]

1978 Popy Toys Catalog

Oh Japan, how i love thee.  The Popy Toy Corporation is not terribly well known to North Americans but their influence definitely had an impact on us. In 1978, they had a tremendouse amount of cool licenses such as Gatchaman (Known to us as Battle of the Planets), Starzinger (which we called Spaceketeers) and your […]

Spider-Man- Ambassador to Uruguay?

Magnus sent over this great piece  circa 1986-1987 with Spider-Man at the Rural Association Expo in Uruguay, at the US Embassy Pavillion, at a Polaroid promo booth. I’ve never had a South American mall appearance and honestly, I’m not sure I’m gonna get more, so I’m thrilled to have this! Send me your mall appearance […]

The Remco 7

Spider-Man, Reggie Jackson,three babies, somebody’s dad and KISS. It’s a super team nobody wanted but everyone got. Remco  links . .. 

Hang gliding with the Hulk

As ridiculous as the concept of these toys are, I have to admit that I think the little Hulk and Spidey figures they come with are awesome. You should buy these. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three […]

Pod Stallions 5: Where are you coming from Spider-Man?

In this installment, Jason and Brain wax nostalgic over the days when we didn’t get spoiled by three Superhero movies a Summer. The time when Captain America had a van, Spider-Man was a Von Trap child and Sinestro used to open for Sinatra. “Where are you coming from Spider-Man” explores what a Superhero loving child […]


From the “i’ve seen it all now” department.  While Carnival toys gets a l’il gold star for giving Spidey a bugle (think about it), the idea of the Incredible Hulk standing in the desert giving his rendition of “songbird” makes his utility belt and motorcycle seem legit in comparison.

What every hero needs

Any good hero has a flash light in their utility belt and fortunately for toy makers children never stop being fascinated with them. Crap, I still annoy my wife with one. Get our new book “Rack Toys” at our shop!

Spider-Man busts a cap

Whalloping websnappers, ol’ Doc Ock is in for rough time tonight. It’s amazing to think that artwork of Spider-Man brandishing a fire arm was approved by somebody at Marvel. I wonder what wouldn’t pass? Spidey leaving a liquor store with a rosie in a skirt? No problem! The Spider-Man smoking kit? Why not?