

Loving the props in this one, especially the feats of strength although I don’t know why the Spock kid is lifting a dumbell. The Kirk PJs in the corner show the Captain in an episode called the Tholian Web, I have to admit, I’ve never seen that episode. I’m a bad trekkie. Halloween Countdown Submission: […]

1977 JC Penney Toy Flyer

Department stores used to have proud toy sections, so much so that they were a preferred destination when you had a few bucks to spend. You tagged along when your mom needed to visit the credit department, just so you could possibly swing by toys.One of the biggest back in the day was JC Penney, […]

Dreams of Glory

Ok, I would so totally use a set of these on my bed today. This picture also features one of my favourite things, the use of toys in the child’s bedroom set. For some reason, I really like that extra detail, I probably need to get out more. That’s the Dinky Toys Enterprise by the […]

Colouring Book Theatre: The Six Million Dollar Man

My Pal Sharry sent me this one based on the classic 70’s TV series. The book is by Rand McNally. the people best known for Road Atlases and the like. You’d think they’d have come up with a kid’s division name but this is back when the company expanded into children’s products. The art in […]

Back in Day Goodness

Some more vintage photos from Wes Booth, this one is rather timely, it’s Wes opening up a Sam Cobra from the Marx Johnny west line. You’ll also notice a Superfriends Colouring Book that we reviewed here at the bottom right. Not only did Wes get a Best of the West Horse but I see the […]

1977 : Year of the Bionic People

With the double whammy of Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman on each week, Kenner pulled out all the stops in 1977 in terms of product, with over 24 pages of products to choose from this is truly the spike in the Bionic Craze. It’s interesting to note that despite her show being action […]

Men of Action for 1975

G.I. Joe meets the Six Million Dollar Man, that’s a cross over that happened more than once in my house. This page comes from Simpsons, a long gone Canadian retailer.Speaking of cross overs, you can see the other side to this beautiful double page spread (which features Big Jim and Mego) at the Megomuseum. It’s […]

The Ultimate 70’s Action Figure Tribute

ACTION FIGURES, CLASSIC 70’S by ~dusty-abell on deviantARTI got sent a link to this amazing piece by Dusty Abell last night and just had to showcase it today. This is pretty much how things looked in my six year old mind, I’m truly floored and need to get a copy of this somehow for my […]

Bionic Double Shot

Thanks to the amazing Rob Chatlin, we have the Kenner 1976 Bionic Man catalog at This catalog features new characters such as Maskatron and the Bionic Woman! More Bionic Catalogs will follow in the coming months! Bonus Feature,  Steve and Jaime knock off figures from the UK, these little guys have Tomland bodies (like […]

Some Neat Bionic Swag

I love Steve’s funky lime green colored jumpsuit in this illustration, ahh the days before style guides……And how incredibly bad ass is this Bionic Man Robe and Pajamas?Coming tomorrow: The Forgotten Bionic Villain