Shazam, Scooby Doo, Star Trek and the Six Million Dollar Man, that’s pretty much all the S words I knew at six.
Here they are, the people that likely made your Six Million Dollar Man doll as a kid. When I see stuff like this I wonder if in the ones pictured, is my childhood Steve Austin.
I get a lot of confused emails about the Empire Toys brand of Helicopter, for those not in the know Empire made licensed helicopters and vans for properties like CHiPs and Spiderman. It was all kind “wink, wink put your Mego dolls in here” or in the case of the Six Million Dollar man, they […]
I have a fond memory of these kits, there was a “Bionic Bust-Out” in my local variety store from the day they came out up until I graduated high school. I always planned on buying it but never did, I still sometimes go there to see if it’s accidently buried on a shelf…. Here’s Lee […]
The title of this post could have easily been “Lee Majors plays with himself” but I had a rare bout of restraint. Also in this picture is Kenner President Bernard Loomis, the man who made the decision to make Star Wars figures 3 3/4″ and very responsible for changing the action figure landscape. Bionic Favourites:
I had never heard of these before finding them on ebay last month, what a perfectly wonderful and logical idea. I’d have been all over this concept as a kid. As an added bonus, I’ve made one of the stickers printer size, so let’s all print it out and wear one to work today, come […]
It pretty much had to happen, Card #20 is the Six Million Dollar Man and for good reason. My own mother will tell me how she was almost trampled to death at a Zellers store trying to get me this guy for Christmas 1975, (she succeeded) One of the problems of working on this blog […]
1978 saw the end of Kenner’s wildly popular Six Million Dollar man line. Despite dwindling sales, Kenner revamped Steve with “Bio Sonic” power and gave him a new villain to fight in the form of the Venus Space Probe. So while Steve Austin might have been on his way out, he certainly went with a […]
Thursday, March 24.1977:CINCINNATI (AP) – First, Kenner sold millions of the Six Million Dollar Man Then, there was a scramble for the Bionic Woman. Now, the nation’s second-leading toy manufacturer is,about to unleash its- newest bionic spinoff—the Oscar Goldman doll. Goldman is the character on both television series who watches over the two superheroes and […]
As an adult, I waffle between choosing the Six Million Dollar Man watch or the Cookie Monster. Basically the person I’d like to be and the one that I’m actually like.
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