Hey Bert! Hey Bert! Hey Bert!
I have no idea what Bert and Ernie have to do with office equipment but I need a working set straight away, if only to torture my wife with my “Mr Tudball from the Carol Burnett show” impersonation.
I have no idea what Bert and Ernie have to do with office equipment but I need a working set straight away, if only to torture my wife with my “Mr Tudball from the Carol Burnett show” impersonation.
For the trillionth time I’d like to mention any of these in an adult size would be welcome in my house. Get on that anonymous corporation that doesn’t read my blog! This is not fashion mockery, this is fashion victory.
C is for awesome, wait, no it isn’t….
I vaguely remember these target sets from toy shows, the art is classic DC style guide with the exception of that very disgruntled Wonder Woman. However, the sets below are not only a total shock but I now have a new quest in life… I absolutely LOVE the mingling of Spider-Man with the characters from […]
It’s time once again to be whisked back to a simplier time, one that was dominated by “Mom and Pop” toy chains and the wonderful, almost chaotic way toys were distributed. Plaidstallions Vintage Toy Store Photos volume twelve is different from previous entries in that it features images from a photo album of a former Mattel employee, who […]
Bert is clearly flashing gang signs here…
I was pretty easily scared kid, how the sight of early Big Bird didn’t send me running to my room I’ll never know….
At least the cookies actually end up inside Cookie Monster.
As much as I’m a monster geek, I bet the Sesame Street was way more funner.
Why these aren’t currently available in adult sizes, I will never know…
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