
Rack Toys of the Apes

At this past weekend’s Motor City Comic Con, I made the aquaintence of toy dealer Bob Serna, who had the most Planet of the Apes toys I’ve ever seen available for sale in one place. I spent the majority of my cash with Bob and I’ll probably be going back for more shortly, here are […]

Battle of the Planets Rack Toys

American kids kind of got the shaft when it came to “Battle of the Planets’ merchandise, a board game, some models and these generic rack toys by Gordy. Which while fun in their own right were likely recylced from something else and would be again. Some of these toys however are hard to find now […]

Fleetwood Toys for 1980

This week’s catalog is from Fleetwood Toys, a Rack Toy manufacturer that focused entirely it seems on the hottest licenses from TV and pop culture. in 1980, Fleetwood was concentrating on late seventies icons such as CHiPs, Buck Rogers and Vega$ but not forgetting such evergreen properties such as the Marvel Comics Superheroes and Mighty […]

And best of all I don’t pay property tax…

I did a little mini freak out when I discovered these Fleetwood “BJ and the Bear” toys in their 1980 catalog, I rarely missed the adventures of B.J. McKay and his monkey life partner. I was also fanatically loyal to Sherrif Lobo during his short run. The last time I saw this series was on […]

More Tarzan Goodness

Some new additions to the page dedicated to the Tarzan Toys Gallery this week, thia Jungle Communicator is by Fleetwood, who have their own gallery in the Rack Toys section (Zing!, a double update!)This little guy is from a company called Gulliver from Brazil. Gulliver made some really cool 2″ figures based on both the […]

Rack Toys are Hell….

I’m working on another update for the Gallery of Rack Toys when I saw something I’d never seen before. Fleetwood Toys had the Marvel License so they coyly repackaged some army men with the Sgt. Fury brand. Sarge doesn’t get enough merchandise so I’m especially smitten with this discovery. The other cool thing about these […]

Parachuting Penguins and Jiggly Frankensteins

More additions to our growing gallery of Rack toys, this is a nice carded example of a parachuting Penguin figure from Azrak Hamway. (Photo Courtesy of Bill Frost)Check out the AHI Batman Gallery for previous entries. On the Monster front, I’ve finally gotten my hands on a Frankenstein Jiggler from AHI, I really dig his […]

The 1980 Larami Toys Catalog

Larami was one of the better known Rack Toy companies in the seventies and early eighties. The company had a merchandising system known as “Code A Matic” and considering they were a subsidery of “Tasty Baking Corporation” most likely had their own merchandising representatives as well. 1980 saw their toy division offering their staple of […]

1980 Imperial Puffy Sticker Catalog

What’s a more appropriate way to end a week devoted to back to school than by paying tribute to those items that often ended up on our binders, Puffy Stickers! Imperial Toy was one of the biggest producer of these back in the day, even when they didn’t have the license they would come awfully […]

Lite Writers

These Lite Writers by Larami are a neat example of how Rack Toys work, when you have a license, just create a unique item you can stick a character on.It’s fun seeing Flash Gordon in the mix, Larami also added a Cylon a year later (this is 1979) but as I recall it was rather […]