
We Are Not Alone

In 1978, toy manufacturer Imperial, like a lot of toy companies were very interested in all things outer space thanks to Kenner’s whirlwind assault on the toy marketplace thanks to Star Wars. Now, anybody with a science fiction film was interesting and a name like Steven Spielberg even moreso. Imperial snapped up the rights to […]

Rubber Snakes, Alligators and Poopatroopers

It’s amazing how much stuff like rubber snakes and alligators are part of childhood, we just seem drawn to these kinds of items when we’re kids. Imperial Toys seemed to have a great handle on this and seeing as how they’re still in business to this day, this stuff sells. I’m pretty sure I had […]

AHI Super Monsters on Sale!

I’ve uncovered a few sales ads for the AHI “World Famous Super Monsters” one of the more prolific and collectable Universal licensed items produced in the 1970s. The one is from K Mart in 1976, where apparently the line is getting closed out, it’s also a Valentines day sale, weird… Here’s another clearance ad, not […]

Wind Up Super Monsters

This is an ad from Canadian Tire of all places and I totally remember it, these guys were in my stocking one Christmas. Originally they were made by Azrak Hamway (AHI) . The three figures included a suspiciously familiar “Rex Dinosaur”, the Creature from the Black Lagoon and King Kong, each shot sparks from it’s […]

Booo the Bat From Imperial

Imperial Toy Corporation made (and still makes) terrific rack toys but the ultimate Halloween item has to be the rubber bat. It’s almost an institution unto itself and one tradition that we still insist upon in the PS household (which we never refer to it as) Check out our Rack Toys Galleries for more Monster […]

AHI Super Monster Bend ‘Ems

Some Terrific new additions to the AHI Monsters Gallery today, starting with this carded Frankenstein, I can’t tell you how smitten I am with this guy, he rules. The Bendy Mummy is by far the hardest one to find, even eclipsing the Creature from the Black Lagoon, which is usually the hardest to come by […]

1983 Remco Toys Catalog

By 1983, Remco had put down their utility belts and picked up some swords but never actually straying from their comic book licensing ties. Their long relationship with Marvel comics made them a natural to market the action figures based on their Crystar comic series , also announced were a series of figures based on […]

Space:1999 Day!

Seeing as today is the ten year anniversary of the supposed date that the moon blew out of orbit in Gerry Anderson’s 1975 television series “Space:1999” I thought it would be fun to look at some of the cool merchandise that came out during it’s two year run. Above is the trading card I made […]

1981 Azrak Hamway Catalog

The beginning of the end for the Rack Toy giant, while the company would continue and prosper for the rest of the decade, it would also eventually fold it’s toy division completely under the Remco Name. The 1981 AHI catalog almost looks like a lower cost copy of the 1981 Remco offerings, all the licenses […]

Super Spinner of Rack Toys

The stuff dreams are made of, a spinner packed to the gills full of rack toys by Henry Gordy inc. Imagine finding this in some long forgotten hardware store somehere. I’d fill my car with Superman Ball Blasters… I don’t get the Hulk handcuffs though unless he was kinda kinky.