
Sleestak Attack

One of the cryingest shames of the 1970s were that a lot of cool TV shows never got much merchandise, take Land of the Lost for example. This was easily one of the most memorable kids shows of the decade and all we got were a few rack toys from Larami, some viewmasters, a Halloween […]

1977 Azrak Hamway (AHI) Catalog

Another look into the wonderful world of Rack toys and one of it’s shining stars Azrak Hamway, who in the 1970s were the kings of fun, inexpensive licensed toys. 1977 was a pretty big year for Azrak Hamway Inc and they had all the hottest licenses including the superheroes from the house of both DC […]

She’s Got No Water Captain!

The above Enterprise water pistol pretty much epitomizes why I love rack toys in the first place. The first thing is it’s fragility, there was no way these things should have survived a trip to the car let alone being kept mint in package for 35 years. The other is, well, look at this thing, […]

Parachuting Belushis?

From the “you think you’ve seen everything” department come these Rack Toys by Imperial based on the underrated Spielberg comedy “1941” particularly the parachuting figures of “wild” Bill Kelso played by john Belushi. It’s certainly one of the most logical parachuting figures I’ve ever seen. Another completely logical rack toy, I don’t often string those […]

Nasta Toys for 1980

We have a new company listing into the Gallery of Racktoys today with the addition of NASTALike a lot of it’s counterparts in the late 1970/early 1980s, Nasta was rack toy manufacturer creating products based on the DC and Marvel Superheroes brands, Barbie and Hanna Barberra characters.What sets them apart are their products, for the […]

Bat-Tastic Rack Toys

Some new additions to the AHI Batman gallery today, above is the Phaser ahem, Batman water pistol. This is a Canadian Card, many AHI items were carried by Grand Toys. The “L’il Zips” Batmobile looks like crazy fun for under a buck. I don’t understand why folks keep things mint in package but decide to […]

The Martian Chronicles Toys by Larami

In the late seventies, Charles Fries productions (the same people who brought you the TV version of Spider-Man) undertook an ambitious project, bringing Ray Bradbury’s acclaimed book of short stories “The Martian Chronicles” to Television as a 6 hour event. The names involved were a Science Fiction fans dream, Richard Matheson wrote the screenplay and […]

More Azrak Hamway Monsters

Some great new variation figures added to the AHI Monster Gallery today, cataloging these is a bigger chore than I imagined, below we have wrist jointed Dracula:Man he looks pissed that someone stole his shoes! These jointed wrist versions are the closest things to Mego, but for some reason they all have the Wolfman’s hairy […]

Heroes of the American Revolution

I could be wrong as I’m Canadian but I’m not sure any kid ever thought “I wish I had a John Paul Jones doll”, this seems like bicentennial overload. If you had these as a kid and thought up exciting adventures for Ben Franklin like “The secret of the Bi-Focal Wearing Mummy’s Tomb”, please correct […]

Gordy Toys wants you to play with “Hulk Putty”

Another player in the world of Rack Toys was Henry Gordy International, who specialized in somewhat generic impulse items with licensed appearance. Among their staples is my new favourite thing mostly because I’m immature: The “Ball Blaster” would indeed be an effective crime deterrent even Lex Luthor himself would think twice.The primary licenses used here […]