
Kojak Harbor Patrol

Another classic “who gives a crap” Rack Toy from Hamony, the makers of this pile of “hunh?” . Harmony is quickly becoming my favourite Rack Toy company mostly because everything I’ve seen from them seems to smack of little to no thought. I’m sure Kojak had some episodes that featured both boats and helicopters but nothing […]

Eagle One Gun

Here we have the rather odd AHI Eagle one water pistol, it looks kind of  ill advised but you have to remember that AHI probably sold a boatload of these so they just applied the Star Trek  template to Space:1999 when it came to all merch. What I really enjoy about 1999 merchandising is the amount […]

Strange visitor from the planet frisbee

It’s amazing to think that the folks at LCA (who handled all of the DC comics characters at the time) approved weird artwork like this. The man of steel on this AHI “zing-wing” has an enormous noggin and apparently tiny baby doll like hands, kind of nightmarish if you stare long enough at it.

A green and insignificant planet, is now dead.

Behold, the closest thing we ever got to a toy version of the Alpha Omega bomb that wiped out the Planet of the Apes in Beneath. So this  gives you the option of either thinking it’s another dumb rack toy or a surprisingly canon item. Either way, that’s some killer packaging…. More Larami goodness

Big Announcement Sunday

It’s finally time to reveal what I’ve been planning for three years and that is, I’m writing a book! The project is called “Rack Toys” and it’s essentially a love letter to what I feel is a very under served area of toy collecting. More after the jump: I’m finally far enough into this that […]

Sparkling Super Monsters

This past summer I encountered something I didn’t know existed and yet I could not live without, it’s a bit of rack toy joy. Much more after the jump: It’s an unused display box of AHI wind up little walkers and while it’s obvious these (a) aren’t manufactured by AHI and (b) are not licensed, the […]

My new favourite Godzilla Toy

While many of you may have been aware of this vintage bendy from toymaker GLJ, I was blissfully unaware at how cool it was. I periodically search GLJ on Ebay in hope of finding a Monster Squad Frank Bop Bag (someday) and this little guy popped up instead. It was love at first sight, the figure […]

1976 Imperial Toys Catalog

Halloween is always the best time to talk about rack toys, specifically ones made by Imperial Toy Corporation, who  had a year round  selection of rubber bats, bugs and skeletons. 1976 also had the distinction of being the year that Imperial wisely got the “Jaws” license and marketed a series of cool inflatable toys. Check out […]

Revenge of the Azrak Monsters

It’s not October if we don’t discuss the AHI Monster dolls and we’ve got a couple of additions to the galleries starting with this killer variant of Frankenstein (courtesy of my pal the Kidd). I’ve never seen eyes like this one. Count Dracula alone was marketed in the UK in a window box, the rest […]

Monster Bendy Mystery

I picked up these little guys on Ebay UK (a lot of wonderful strangeness comes out of the UK for some reason) and while I’ve never seen or heard of them before, they did look oddly familiar… More after the jump While not licensed it’s pretty obvious that these two were based on the Mego […]