
Trading Card # 39: Martian Chronicles

Card 39 is one of my favourite rack toys of all time, the Martian Chronicles toy line by Larami. Larami wasn’t exactly known for action figures, actually I’m not sure if they ever made one before or after this line. This is also  the first time I’ve not used an original catalog image for a PS card, I […]

We are not alone

These rubber bendy figures by Imperial are some of the few bits of merchandise that Close Encounters recieved and they certainly served a purpose to me as a kid. Mostly because I was incredibly curious as to how the aliens looked in the film. I’m not sure they were big sellers however, I seem to recall […]

Rack Toys: the book (the web page)

I’ve progressed far enough now that I’m ready to launch a seperate web page for my upcoming book tentatively titled “Rack Toys : Cheap, Crazed Playthings”. On the new page you will find: A detailed explaination of what the book is about A basic outline of it’s content Teases as to it’s look and design […]

More Laverne and Shirley

Another winner from Harmony, a company that is rapidly becoming my favourite Rack Toy manufacturer of all time. This little bit of Laverne and Shirley merchandise is actually not that bad, certainly not as mind boggling as the last item we showcased from Harmony. This one is merely some lazy repackaging of “Pearl” (in case […]

Great flaming arrows!

I picked this set up during the summer and was surprised to discover it’s not the legendary HG Toys Archery set but a knock off of some sort. which surprises me. I barely knew who GA was as a kid, so it amazes me that toy manufacturers did. That one appearance on the Superfriends got […]

Super 7 Merchandise Part 1

Filmation’s Tarzan and the Super 7 series is easily one of my favourite cartoon series of all time. It’s copyright infringing characters made me a fan for life, however merchandise for the series seems few and far between. However, it seems that rack toy manufacturer Imperial did have the license and exploited it nicely, here […]

Reed Richards ride

When he’s not being totally boring, Mr Fantastic likes to cruise around in his awesome muscle car. What I love about this toy is the Fantastic Four have a totally cool space vehicle that they ride around in but the folks at Fleetwood went and made him a car instead. That’s like releasing a Batman […]

Super Slate of the Apes

My pal Mike sent this into me and honestly, it’s new to me, a wonderful throw away rack item that some smart soul preserved and we’re better for it. I had plenty of magic slates as a kid but never one this cool… Ewww! There’s Ape centric art on the back too, that’s awesome. Yeah, […]

Paging Wayne Rogers

My pal Steve found me this and I wanted to hug him. This toy makes total sense, I mean what kid didn’t have a Pernell Roberts poster on their bedroom walls back in 1981? That Halloween they were all out of Gonzo Gates costumes so I had to settle for Yoda. Passing up on the Trapper John action […]

AHI Superfriends Buggy

After almost three decades of toy collecting, not many vintage toy sightings make me want to wet my pants. This past few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of almost losing control several times, first with the Tomland Monsters and then followed up by this, the AHI Superfriends car in glorious detail. My friend Mark from Heroes […]