War is fun!
This Official Sgt Rock Stunt Cycle may be one of the last toys AHI released before they folded from Remco. The majority of the AHI Rock line was derived from Batman items they created a decade earlier. Check out our upcoming book!
This Official Sgt Rock Stunt Cycle may be one of the last toys AHI released before they folded from Remco. The majority of the AHI Rock line was derived from Batman items they created a decade earlier. Check out our upcoming book!
It’s kind of a bummer how little merchandise the “V” television and mini series got, LJN promised some killer action figures but wound up only releasing a 12″ figure. The majority of V merchandise seems to be Rack Toys mostly made in South America (watch out for fakes) which are unrelated spaceships, pistols and these […]
What’s not to love about the copyright infringing knock off? Nothing I tells ya! Truth be told, this blow molded Supergal makes me happier than a lot of modern licensed toys. I don’t know who made her or when but I’m glad they did. Check out our upcoming book!
When I posted last month about the Popeye shaving set, some of you were quick to point out that there were several classic connections to Popeye and shaving. Fine, I’ll surrender that and give you all a point. Perhaps some of you can now please elaborate for me how Love Boat, a show about where […]
Star Trek : The Motion Picture holds a special place in my heart but the rack toys don’t hold a candle to the cool stuff companies like AHI put out for the original series. AHI made a myriad phaser guns, flying enterprises and parachuting spocks, Larami gave us …wallets. Wallets that are exactly the same in every way […]
For this tale we venture back to 1976 and visit the mall, where I sort of grew up and talk about one of my more traumatic early experiences. More after the jump: I was raised in a mall. Well, at least partially anyway. You see, my grandparents owned a shoe store in a middle class mall in our […]
My obsession with Filmation’s short lived (and sadly “damned to never be on DVD”) series “Tarzan and the Super 7” continues with the only known merchandise, all of it lower cost rack toys. Above we have Bubb-a-loons featuring Web Woman (a boyhood crush), Manta and Moray and The Freedom Force (one of the cooler superhero […]
Not sure how many codes Spider-Man has to break in every issue or how exciting that would to read but Gordy seemed to have to get very creative with the Spider-Man license. By the time they got in the game they were sharing the webslinger with AHI, Fleetwood, Durham and Nasta. Check out our […]
Collecting glow in the dark silly putty knockoffs could really be a thing, I think almost every major licensed property had a variation of this. Flash here seems very pleased to find this, now he can copy Beetle Bailey!
One of the things that drove me to write a book about Rack Toys is the unintentional hilarity that seems to stem from it. Case in point, this set which connects a license to something it really shouldn’t. Popeye seems to have a lot of this going on. I am sure that he gets a […]
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