
Pod Stallions Episode 35: Kolchak the Night Stalker

It’s October and that means you get two podcasts, both devoted to scary subjects. Episode 35 is dedicated to that TV sensation of the 1970s, the amazing phenom that was Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Jason and Brian discuss the TV Movies, the subsequent series and all the amazing influence this show had. We also debate […]

PodStallions Episode 33: Monty Python

This month J& B discuss one of the most prolific comedy influences of our young lifetimes, Monty Python’s FLying Circus and it’s many incarnations. We talk about our first encounters growing up, our favourite skits, the term “Pythonesque”, delve into the movies (especially Holy Grail) and some of more interesting experiences with Python fans we’ve […]

Pod Stallions Episode 30: Model Kits

This month sees us discussing the days of slapping paint everywhere and getting a l’il high off glue. Model kits has us discussing Aurora, Addar, MPC, fundimensions and many other kit manufacturers long gone. Subjects include Sweathogs, the Fonz, Planet of the Apes, Jaws, Doctor Who, Gerry Anderson, Universal Monsters, Dark Shadows, Star Trek and […]

Pod Stallions 27: The Krofft Supershow (part 1)

We wouldn’t be much of a 70s retro website without a discussion of Sid and Marty Krofft would we? I think we’d have to turn in our “Gen X” badges. Episode 27 takes from the days of HR Puf N Stuf but sadly gets cut short at “Pink Lady and Jeff” due to Jason became […]

Pod Stallions Episode 24: Starlog

Our November podcast has Jason and Brian waxing nostalgic (which technically is our job) about the glory days of Starlog magazine. Starlog magazine was how both of us first cut our nerdy teeth, a wonderful window into the world of SF and fantasy that gave us that connection. It’s safe to say, this podcast owes […]

PodStallions 21: Bionic Man-ia

It was bound to happen, episode 21 talks of the Six Million Dollar Man television series which slow motion ran across our television screens (and our collective hearts) during the Polyester decade. In this we discuss the series itself, the spin offs and the crazy/wonderful merchandise that made Christmas more memorable. We go through the […]

Podstallions 19: Japanese toys

Episode 19 sees Jason and Brian explain their deep affection for toys from the land of the rising sun. Even though we both grew up in North America, our childhoods were made happier by the imports that did manage to hop across the Pacific leaving us with a thirst for more. Japanese Toys tries to […]

Podstallions 18: The Apocalypse

Episode 18 takes us to those days when the future wasn’t looking so bright. If we didn’t blow each other up and get eaten by giant cockroaches, the environment would have us eating each other or even worse,  massacred by diapered men on horseback . The Apocalypse talks about the years of heady, “gloomy doomy” science […]

PodStallions #15: Rod Serling

This month’s show is a celebration of Television icon Rod Serling and is exploration of his career and legacy. Even though he passed away in the mid 1970s, he had an impact on pop culture that is still strongly felt today. Episode 15 talks about his life, the Twilight Zone and his career after that […]

Pod Stallions 12: Wish Book Kids

It’s December and we wouldn’t even have this site if it weren’t for the 70s Wish Book catalogs that magically landed on our door steps every fall. Episode 11 is dedicated to our crazy 70s Christmas memories, the letters to Santa, the arms length wantlist and how Star Wars just turned the whole thing into […]