
Vintage Toy Store Pictures Volume 14

Aw yeah, another batch of “back in the day” goodness, this time showing now long defunct toy retailers from the golden age of the 1970s to the mid 1980s. It’s a real goody bag this time including Hot Wheels, Masters of the Universe, GI Joe, Infaceables, Shogun Warriors, Star Wars Power of the Force, Thundercats, […]

Brick is Micronaughty

It is with great joy that I unveil the packaging art for the upcoming “Project: Mantooth” figure “Micronaughty”, produced for me by the amazing Tim Baron. I’ve admired Tim’s style for some time and was happy he wanted to work with me on something. I offered him this project because I knew he’d do it […]

I Don’t Give Enough Attention to the Micronauts

I guess because of my duties over at the MegoMuseum, I never really think to mention Mego’s awesome Micronauts Toy line and for that I am sorry. Like a lot of 70s children I was totally blown away by this line, one part action figure, another part lego it was the stuff of dreams. My […]

Tomy Mighty Max

Here is another one of those toys like Electroman or Matchbox MAC that people fondly remember everything but it’s name. Mighty Max was a robot concept toy by Tomy that strongly resembled a Mego Micronaut. So much so that the first time I ever saw one, that’s what I assumed it was. At 14″ tall, […]

Super Sale

This ad for Towers (A Canadian chain of department stores) from December 15, 1980 has some pretty swell deals going for it. Highlights include Mego 12″ Superheroes for $4.95 each, Remco Utility Belts for $3.22 and the Hoth Ice Planet set for $10.50. This didn’t help me much as a kid, we lived far away […]

Commericals : Shogun Warriors, Battlestar Galactica, Micronauts and more!

It’s movie day today! Surfing YouTube last night and I found this great block 70’s Toy Commercials that weren’t really marked as such, this series features Shogun Warriors, Micronauts and Suckerman! This second block of commercials features the Mattel Battlestar Galactica Action Figures, Viper Launch Station, More Micronauts and Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes. I get […]

Christmas Wishlist 1979

This is one of my more cherised items, a Christmas wish list I created in 1979 clipping items out of the Sears catalog. As you can see the Mego collecting bug was strong even then and I still can’t spell millenium. As I recall it was a pretty great haul and yes, I got a […]