
Mattel Starr and her high school friends

Mattel’s Starr seemed to be a teenaged version of the Barbie concept, the look and feel of the line seemed to really embody that late 70s/early 80s style. Starr had a short tenure at Mattel but was very popular, in 1982 they expanded her line to include new friends, more fashions and a familiar automobile.Check […]

Trading Cards Part 2

Card #34- Raydeen Shogun Warriors were pretty epic toys and I hope to celebrate each one individually, unlike other things I’ve featured this weekend, I do have a Raydeen. He’s beat to hell but I love him anyway. Mattel Shogun Warriors Catalog Card #35- Ideal Jaws Game Honestly I had like ten minutes to decide […]

1971 Mattel Sea Devils Catalog

In the 1960s, Mattel had a great deal of success with their “Major Matt Mason” line of toys, but when Neal Armstrong stepped on the moon and discovered nothing, interest in space toys hit new lows. Mattel logically thought to spin the concept off to a more earth bound concept and created “The Sea Devils” […]

Star Spangled Dolls

From the “You think you’ve seen it all department” comes these American History (Possibly Bicentenial influenced) figures from Mattel. Obviously these figures are a tidy reuse of the Sunshine Family molds but in historical garb. I got curious and after a little ebay searching did find a boxed “Southern Belle” on ebay, which I didn’t […]

Pistols of the Apes

Mattel got some mileage out of their popular line of Western and Machine guns by adding a Gorilla mask and Planet of the Apes logo to them. While these aren’t accurate to the movies, toys far weirder than these saw release.If you still have these from childhood, I recall reading that they’re really desirable these […]

Mattel Secret Wars Catalog

In the early 1980s, Toy giant Mego fell and released both the Marvel and DC superheroes licenses for the first time in over a decade. This was also the first time the action figure license was seperated between companies. Kenner took the DC heroes and released Super Powers while Mattel scooped up the Marvel heroes […]

Mattel Toy Book for 1969

Normally I don’t delve much in 60s toys as I wasn’t made yet but I couldn’t resist this cool catalog put out for kids by Mattel pre Christmas 1969. The main reason for me is that it solves a big mystery for me. In Kindergarton I played with these blue plastic men, never knew what […]

Vintage Toy Stores Part 8

It is always a happy time when I gather up enough shots of vintage and (sadly) no longer in business toy stores from yesteryear. In the latest installment we hop over the the UK for some staggering window displays for Palitoy Action Man (the UK G.I. Joe) then we’ll go back stateside to see some […]

The P.A.C.K on Clearance

Seeing this awesome (and now pretty darn rare) stuff marked down gives me the chills. When I was about ten or eleven, my mom took me to “Consumer’s Distributing” a catalog showroom store. I wandered around and found a book marked “Clearance items” in it was pages from their 70s catalog including spreads of Big […]

Toy Questions Part 3: Heroes in Action

This question comes in once a month, like clock work: “I had these soldiers that were 3 3/4″ and secured to a base, they made clicking sounds to simulate gunfire” They are Mattel’s Heroes in Action line, a neat little line of 3 3/4″ soldiers that seems to have sold much better in Europe than […]