
V Visitor Pistol by Coibel Spain

V Visitor Pistol by Coibel Spain I am a passionate fan of the NBC mini-series and resulting television series “V.” While my wife and I rewatch it often, we don’t have a large collection of V items; I have just a tiny handful of toys, mostly bootlegs, a couple of comics, novels, and a UK […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Superman’s car, bootleg V, Dick Tracy, Action Girl and the holy grail of McDonalds attire. Disclaimer: Links are sponsored by eBay, last month? I got 40 bucks. That’s right, forty big ones….. McDonalds Hawaiian Shirt (affiliate link) — Once in a lifetime, a garment passes you by that […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Super Jrs, Dick Tracy, Marvel Heroes, Bootleg “V” and Sherlock Hemlock (4 real this week!) (This post contains sponsored links AKA I get a tuppence guv’ner! *clicks heels*) Bootleg pistol from V (sponsored link) — I can’t tell you how much I want this, it’s going for exactly […]

Toy-Ventures: V toys and bootlegs- The Visitors

Toy-Ventures this week is all about the groundbreaking TV mini-series V, and it’s many sequels. We talk about the merchandise, weep for the cancelled action figure and rejoice in the bootleg toys that have come in from around the world. Also, I talk about my 40-year crush on a Lizard lady, I Know I can […]

Celebrating 40 Years of “V” the mini-series

So, it was pointed out today that this is the 40th anniversary of the airing of “V,” a groundbreaking science fiction mini-series. First off, I adore “V” it blew my mind as a kid and I followed it right to the bitter end. Secondly, HOW THE HELL IS 7th GRADE 40 YEARS AGO?   I […]