
Imperial Monsters

I have to admit that I’ve never warmed to the Imperial Monster figures, they came out when I was a teenager and I was spoiled by what came earlier. Since then, I’ve met several people who owed their adult monster love to these very figures, plus this display box is pretty swell, so I thought […]

Buck Rogers Bubb-A-Loons

Say that five times fast. I do admit to loving the smell of this stuff and the fact that imperial did three different types of card art for the same item.  Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three […]

The hungry mouse in the cheese house

This is just one of those weird generic things that the Imperial Toy Corporation was good at in the 1970s. Rubber mice and a fake bit o’cheese, not sure what the  point is but I bet kids wanted it. Not so much with collectors, I nabbed two of these for $0.99 just in time to […]

Imperial Inflates the Monsters

  I wasn’t a kid when Imperial Toys got the Universal Monster license (and I’ll touch upon this more next week) but I do have nostalgia for the line. There was a Frankenstein bop bag in the back of a KB Toys in Western NY that I visited for the majority of the late 80s […]

The Last Photo

The name is Bond, Elton Bond. I’m interupting the Halloween hijinx for a moment just to make a special announcement, this is the last photo I’ll take for my upcoming book, Rack Toys : Cheap, Crazed Playthings. While they don’t look like much, these Secret Service Sunglasses hold some special meaning to the whole thing. […]