
Super Hero Skates

Larami did these SuperHero skates for years and as weird as they are, they must have sold. Like every toyline from the mid seventies, the Hulk was very quickly added to the mix once his TV show aired. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid […]

colouring book theatre: The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk: Giant Story Colouring Book by Parkes Run I recently discovered photos of this book, taken in 2011 at my pal Jeff’s store Kool Stuff Toys. Parkes Run made these giant  books in the late 70s and I remember getting at least one for Christmas. In order to use this for CBT I […]

The Incredible Hunh?

Clark sent in these shots of him and his sister Stef from the Harrisburg Auto Show meeting “The Hulk” and well, this is the worst and most awesome thing I have ever seen. I’m positive this Hulk was not endorsed in any way by Marvel comics as it would give Stan Lee nightmares. I can […]

We’re going to need a bigger crayon

I fondly remember getting the Spider-Man Vs Man Wolf book on Christmas eve 1978, it helped me pass the time until we got to the bigger presents. I’d like to reunite with it but I do worry that it will start a new obsession. That Star Trek one is calling to me…..

Jointed Avengers

My pal Corey had these in his collection, a series of Spanish walll hanging heroes that remind me greatly of the Our Way Studios stuff from the mid 70s. While the Hulk is nice, I especially dig the Thor. If anybody knows how many characters were made or owns others, I’d love to see them, […]

Micro Jamas

Finding weird bits of Micronauts merchandise in a catalog is to me, like finding buried treasure. Also note Pajamas featuring some guy called “The Hulk”.

Poster Art Center

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have spent all of my pocket money on one of these as a kid. It’s just what one? I’m not ashamed to admit even Ziggy was a contender for me as a kid.


I’d be tempted to call this late 70s piece by AHI silly but I’m positive that this scene happened at least once on the old Bill Bixby show…. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three free promotional post […]

Mighty Marvel Superheroes

This one ends a mystery for me, in 1976 Fleetwood toys released the Marx Marvel Superheroes figures in a slightly smaller size but the big difference is they were fully painted. That box brings me joy. I’ve got one of these (Spider-Man) but I might as well put this out there interwebs, I’m buying.  Rack […]

Hulk Smash and Ta-Daaaaah!

When you think of Marvel Superheroes, there is one word that comes to mind…magic tricks. Clever Nasta Toys was the only company to understand this and that’s why they’re the biggest toy company in the world today! Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. […]