
Fisher Price Adventure People Catalog

One of the most influential Action toy lines of the 1970’s, the Fisher Price Adventure people were North America’s first 3 3/4″ line of action figures and vehicles. These durable toys had great play value and lasted for nearly a decade, here we have a glimpse at the 1983 catalog where the adventure has more […]

FIsher Price Toy Love

It’s not often I give myself flashbacks but that’s what happened with this 1977 Fisher Price Toy Catalog., Starting with crib toys and moving to the point where you traded in your little people for adventure people, you might find something you had on every page.

Fisher Price Impulse Buys

Well this was inevitible, after a family trip to an antique mall I officially began collecting Fisher Price Adventure people. Although I resisted the urge for years, I blame this site and blog as the reason I did this. The Adventure People were some amazing toys though, I spent many happy hours playing with this […]

1974 True Value Toy Catalog

Continuing our True Value series is this cool toy catalog from 1974, it’s amazing how much things can change in a year or so. 1974 seemed to be a true mix of old guard toys mingling with the new, Big JIm rubs elbows with Johnny West. Barbie turns 16 and Ken goes Mod. Standards such […]

Bert and Ernie Keep Me Warm!

Could this possibly be the grooviest piece of Sesame St merchandise ever? If I owned these, they’d be the only things I’d wear and I mean only.Revamped the Plaidstallions website yesterday, drop by and let me know your thoughts.

Toys I love: Fisher Price Adventure People

I took my kids to see my parents yesterday, my son made a beeline towards the toy box, a strange mixture of my old toys and some from my nephew. One of the toys my son started playing with was the sea explorer from this set, still 100% intact despite having three different owners and […]