Mostess Hostesses
Must resist…..hypnotic….pants….
Must resist…..hypnotic….pants….
Seen here with his sidekick/lacky “Kip”, VanLandingham is plotting a new way to get the Dean to throw out the slob pledges at “Chugalug House”.
“Acid has no lingering after effects”– Some guy in my dorm room circa 1992.
I’ve been in love before, done some crazy things I’m no longer proud of but I’ve never been “wear a white t shirt with a backhanded compliment about myself” in love.
This togetherness will likely end when the King of the Jungle demands a sandwich from his “pride”.
This is scarier than most of the stuff I’ll feature in October….
How you ask? If you’re Brick Mantooth and you and your lady of the week are wearing kick ass Dragon shirts, that’s how! DVD ALERT: House of the Wolfman, the cool new movie that is a tribute to all things Universal Monsters (It even stars Lon Chaney’s grandson) is finally available on DVD. I’ve been waiting […]
#6 is a spicy number.
I consider kids like this unsung heroes, for their presence made me invisible to bullying of any kind, the only thing that could break his spell would be to show up to school in my sister’s clothes.
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