When Argyle goes rogue
It never stops hurting..
It never stops hurting..
Rated G for Good Looking!
Father and Son Gigolos: with over 65 years of love making experience under their combined belts. No job too big or small for them to handle and remember, every Wednesday seniors are half price (with coupon). Please, no Shriner’s conventions.
I don’t know why but this makes me happy.
These gentlemen claim that you had a variety of imaginative things to say to them last evening at the bar and would like to have a short, polite discussion about it. Have a happy New Years Day!
Ladies and Gents, I present you with Packables, a line of Mrs Roper/Dorothy Sbornac type clothing with a name that cleary has contempt for it’s core demographic. From the makers of “Turkey Neck” scarves and “Cankles” brand boots.
I really don’t mix my pants with things that my inability to grasp kept me out of good colleges. Seriously, my campus was known for it’s wide variety of prostitutes…
“and i get nowhere unless the team wins”
If wearing this sweater ever got a man laid, I truly do not wish to know. I fear that having such knowledge would completely deride my will to live. There is no amount of Booze and Prayer that could erase the fact that “weiner dog sweater” guy got some lovin’. PS I’ve told by many […]
Are the two things this man will have robbed of him on this fine morning.
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