

Developed by the military in the late 1960s as a way to move undetected in hippie gatherings, Jeanoflauge was marketed to the public in the 1970s, where it also failed to catch on.

When atheletes were underpaid

Here we have Jim “Catfish” Hunter, pitcher for the Oakland A’s modeling something from the “Jimmy Olsen collection”. This brings me back to a happy time when my hockey and baseball cards had a guaranteed 70% moustache ratio…

L’il Glengarry Glen Ross

“You filed it, that puts me over the freakin’ top, I want my BMX. I don’t wanna hear no freakin’ crap and I don’t give a crap. Lingk puts me over the top. You filed it, it went downtown, now you owe me the bike. “ Now showing for the next two weeks at the St. […]


This was the ideal way to smuggle people into the country back in the day, a small huddled mass of crouching migrants in each pant leg.

Tiled Mirrored Happiness

Call these ugly if you will but for some reason I am completely comforted by the sight of them, they make me feel safe and happy. Must have had a good experience in a house decorated like this, the memories of which are buried deep in my psyche.