
The party crashers

Gentlemen, we’ve got five parties to hit today, let’s split up and rendezvous at the bowling alley by five for Timmy Schlotstein’s barmitzmah. That cake isn’t going to eat itself!

Sweater buddies

Royce never left the house without Dougy on account of him being all shy of girls and stuff. Sadly, Royce would soon learn that the majority of Dougy’s “conquests” would be works of fiction.

The Doctor Who Pattern Book

I was gifted this book sight unseen by my pal Andy, who told me it was perfect for the site. I was skeptical, that is until I opened it. It’s the perfect combination of nerdy fan love mixed with fashion mockery. There is as much to mock as there is to absolutely love in this sweet […]

8pm Cowboy

Ladies this cowpoke is available to satsify your every desire, as long as you don’t own a cat and your desires include ham radio. Please contact his manager Ratso Rizzo for further details.

Canada’s Superhero

Finally some evidence of this shirt featuring Canada’s Superhero, Captain Canuck. I’ve honestly been searching for an image I could use for the blog as it’s almost a Nerd Therapy Session in itself. True story, a kid in  my fourth grade class had this shirt, he was one of the cooler boys so I brought in an issue […]